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EE版 - Re: ZZ; Neural Networks 的朋友们看过来
老师问我愿不愿意搞neural network?请教最流行maching learing算法有哪些
做Network Coding以后出路怎么办?审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
请大家介绍一些书审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
请问有同学能帮忙下载一篇参考文献吗?审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
有做Neural Engineering的没审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
征女室友 EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 2011@Cancun求推荐硬件大牛名单
审稿机会 Review Invitation: soft computing 方向 (转载)神经网络到底是真的有用的技术还是伪科学?
EE做控制理论的PhD好找工作么A question on Duda's book of Pattern Classification
话题: svm话题: ga话题: networks话题: neural话题: classifer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 435
My understanding is that you classifers obtained by SVM (or whatever ML
methods) differ if they are trained on different data sets or different SVM
Therefore, you can combine GA and SVM (or whatever ML methods) in 2 ways:
1. Fix the data set, use each classifier trained by some parameters as an
instance of GA. Then find the optimal SVM classifer in the sense of the best
paramters on the data set. People often use GA to find better paramters of a
NN classifer. It is not new.
2. Fix th
1 (共1页)
A question on Duda's book of Pattern Classification有做Neural Engineering的没
请教:electrical area classification:unclassified是啥意思?征女室友 EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 2011@Cancun
有谁搞神经网络或者学过这门课的,进来看一下帮个忙审稿机会 Review Invitation: soft computing 方向 (转载)
computer vision和pattern classification/recognition这个方向怎么样EE做控制理论的PhD好找工作么
老师问我愿不愿意搞neural network?请教最流行maching learing算法有哪些
做Network Coding以后出路怎么办?审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
请大家介绍一些书审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
请问有同学能帮忙下载一篇参考文献吗?审稿机会 Call for reviewers: soft computing 方向 (转载)
话题: svm话题: ga话题: networks话题: neural话题: classifer