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EE版 - Re: 第一作者vs.第二作者
代朋友问问: EE PhD offer 选择rp post, opening at Panasonic Aero (in-flight entertainment). SoCal area.
How about the MEMS as a direction of PhD西北的EE怎么样?
Re: 奇怪的声音Research Staff Member position at NEC Labs America, Princeton, NJ
Re: 为什么用金,而不用铜镀膜?A simple question
有前辈推荐IC design的书吗问个弱智问题
please, 查一下这个文章吧!请教:怎么防静电
用什么软件画band structureIntel AZ position opening (转载)
DC/DC converter再问下从low VDD到high VDD为什么需要level shifter么?
话题: my话题: he话题: me话题: advisor话题: writing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
I just based on my experience four years ago. My previous advisor gave me an
idea. I conducted the simulation and writing. My advisor gave me guidence and
directions during that half a year. He introduced me to his field and taught
me hand by hand. After I wrote the paper using my horrible English. He tried
to keep my writing as much as possible. At that time, I do not understand why
I am only the second author. But now when I am close to finish my ph.d., I
realize that my boss spend too much ti
1 (共1页)
再问下从low VDD到high VDD为什么需要level shifter么?有前辈推荐IC design的书吗
几个EE的题想请教下大家please, 查一下这个文章吧!
Multiple Intership Openings (转载)用什么软件画band structure
有的遥控器上的那种泡状的防水的键英文叫什么?DC/DC converter
代朋友问问: EE PhD offer 选择rp post, opening at Panasonic Aero (in-flight entertainment). SoCal area.
How about the MEMS as a direction of PhD西北的EE怎么样?
Re: 奇怪的声音Research Staff Member position at NEC Labs America, Princeton, NJ
Re: 为什么用金,而不用铜镀膜?A simple question
话题: my话题: he话题: me话题: advisor话题: writing