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ECUST版 - [合集] Graduate Positions Available in VT
ECUST in My Memorydo u all graduate from ecust?
biochemical engineering报道
华理最新faculty校友名单Graduate student and postdoc needed
thanks english 2nd major!R&D Positions in Combustion and Fluid Dynamics (Boston, MA) (转载)
Is there anyone graduated at 94?Ph.D position available
which universities accept students in the spring?Ph.D. Student positions available
The graduate students who graduate from ECUST are the best student resource nowa person to fill in a short term position quickly
Re: The graduate students who graduate from ECUST are the best student resource nowStability Systems Chemist
话题: vt话题: graduate话题: available话题: positions话题: eucst
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4872
zyh (OK) 于 (Thu May 12 23:04:23 2005) 提到:
Two EUCST alumni will become the assistant professors in Virginia Tech.
There are some chances (1-4) for them to recruit ph.D students in USA or from
China. It is preferred for the graduates of EUCST. The basic requirements are:
MS degree in biochemical engineering, chemical engineering, biochemistry or
microbiology. It will start scince August 2005. Because of limited time, it is
preferred for someone who is
1 (共1页)
Stability Systems ChemistIs there anyone graduated at 94?
need help for job huntingwhich universities accept students in the spring?
multiple bio RA positions open at BostonThe graduate students who graduate from ECUST are the best student resource now
大家给点建议 欢迎拍砖Re: The graduate students who graduate from ECUST are the best student resource now
ECUST in My Memorydo u all graduate from ecust?
biochemical engineering报道
华理最新faculty校友名单Graduate student and postdoc needed
thanks english 2nd major!R&D Positions in Combustion and Fluid Dynamics (Boston, MA) (转载)
话题: vt话题: graduate话题: available话题: positions话题: eucst