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EB23版 - Jeff Sessions calling for investigating EAD
5.5 million Additional EAD issued485议员回复求解读
共和党参院移民委员会主席Sessions再次致敬STEMSenator转给我的Visa Services of Public Inquiries Division的回复
另一个需要关注的共和党参议员:Jeff SessionService Request 的回复
“米国良心”Jeff Sessionscongressman 比 senator 还是要积极一些
今晚MSNBC和FOX都在讨论EOLIA 对于游说的看法和IV的最新消息
Mo Brooks 感觉比 Jeff Sessions 更极端议员得到USCIS如下回复,啥意思?
Senator 回复, 版花,版主给分析一下吧参议院办公室的回答
PD 2014/1 RD 2016/10 EB3 NSC 议员问询回复议员Barbara Boxer 的回信
话题: sessions话题: jeff话题: congress话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1026
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is calling for an investigation into the recently
exposed “shadow” work authorization system, in which the Obama
administration has allowed millions more immigrants than Congress mandated
to obtain work permits.
“This massive increase in the labor supply has occurred simultaneously with
a steep drop in family incomes and a sharp rise in the number of Americans
pushed out of the workforce,” Sessions said in a statement Monday. “All
jobs gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers, while the slack
labor market has depressed median family incomes almost $5,000 in that time
Sessions was reacting to new data revealed in a Center for Immigration
report, showing that since 2009 the Obama administration has issued 5.5
million new work permits, more than the 1.1 million legal immigrants and 700
,000 guest workers allowed into the to the U.S. annually.
CIS obtained the data via a Freedom of Information Act and, according to
Sessions, the “shadow immigration system” should be investigated.
“A full investigation is warranted. In addition to the widespread non-
enforcement of existing immigration law—such as the public charge rule—we
know now the Administration has been issuing millions of additional work
permits beyond what Congress has authorized,” he said.
The Alabama Republican further highlighted Tuesday’s vote on a House-passed
Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill that defunds Obama’s
executive amnesty. Sessions stressed that lawmakers must vote keeping the
interests of the people they represent in mind. That would mean passing the
“Any Senator who votes to block debate is voting to deny their constituents
the protections of their own laws,” Sessions said. “Blocking debate on
this bill is to block your own constituent’s voice in the affairs of their
Sessions further argued that the coming debate on the DHS bill will shed
more light on where Democrats stand on the issue.
“Congress passed limitations on immigration and rules for residing in the
United States, in order to protect the economic interests of all U.S.
workers—both immigrant and native-born,” he said. “Month after month, the
Administration has systemically dismantled U.S. immigration laws without
evoking a word of protest from members of the President’s party. The coming
days will test whether congressional Democrats can claim to represent
American workers, or whether they will complete their transformation into
the party of open borders.”
发帖数: 1026
“This massive increase in the labor supply has occurred simultaneously with
a steep drop in family incomes and a sharp rise in the number of Americans
pushed out of the workforce,” Sessions said in a statement Monday. “All
jobs gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers, while the slack
labor market has depressed median family incomes almost $5,000 in that time
发帖数: 4402


【在 f*****a 的大作中提到】
: “This massive increase in the labor supply has occurred simultaneously with
: a steep drop in family incomes and a sharp rise in the number of Americans
: pushed out of the workforce,” Sessions said in a statement Monday. “All
: jobs gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers, while the slack
: labor market has depressed median family incomes almost $5,000 in that time
: .”

1 (共1页)
议员Barbara Boxer 的回信今晚MSNBC和FOX都在讨论EO
请愿信收到议员回信了,附有DOS的详细回答Mo Brooks 感觉比 Jeff Sessions 更极端
Obama: Immigration reform still a 'top priority'Senator 回复, 版花,版主给分析一下吧
上次给议员写信,收到回信了。大家看看。PD 2014/1 RD 2016/10 EB3 NSC 议员问询回复
5.5 million Additional EAD issued485议员回复求解读
共和党参院移民委员会主席Sessions再次致敬STEMSenator转给我的Visa Services of Public Inquiries Division的回复
另一个需要关注的共和党参议员:Jeff SessionService Request 的回复
“米国良心”Jeff Sessionscongressman 比 senator 还是要积极一些
话题: sessions话题: jeff话题: congress话题: obama