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EB23版 - Corker修正案一投,reid就file cloture (转载)
大戏第二幕要谢了:reid file cloture了corker说他的amendment能搞15票过来
Bill O’Reilly是个明白人Hatch修正案可能要加到corker的修正案里
Reid不妥协,威胁要file cloture,本周末投票现在两党正在就非法移民福利问题扯皮
看来portman还是会支持的corker amendment全文出来了
风向看来又转了,Hoeven & Corker和八人帮貌似接近deal了为了买票,不停的加私货
8人帮第一次在投票上分裂14 Republican senators who voted for the legislation
话题: senate话题: border话题: gop话题: house话题: reid
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 EB23_Policy_News_and_Rumors 俱乐部 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: EB23_Policy_News_and_Rumors
标 题: Corker修正案一投,reid就file cloture
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 21 00:18:24 2013, 美东)
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced late Thursday that the
Senate would complete work drafting a GOP border security amendment on
Reid had been delaying adjournment for the evening in hopes that the GOP
border security amendment from Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and John Hoeven (R
-N.D.) would be completed, but he said it was “senseless” to continue work
Thursday night.
Instead to Senate will continue work on the Border Security, Economic
Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act Friday at 10:30 a.m.
Reid is expected to file cloture on the Gang of Eight’s bill in addition to
the Corker-Hoeven amendment.
The bipartisan group of eight senators, known as the Gang of Eight,
introduced S. 744, which would create a pathway to citizenship for illegal
immigrants already in the country, toughen border security, create a guest
worker program and boost high-skilled immigration.
In the underlying bill, an e-verify system and entry-exit system at air and
sea ports must be in place before anyone is given a green card. The
amendment from Hoeven and Corker would also require construction of 700
miles of southern border fencing, the purchase of more than $3 billion in
new technology for border security, and the hiring of 20,000 more border
patrol agents mandatory before green cards are issued. The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) would have 10 years to implement those requirements.
Republicans had complained that the original bill made too many “promises”
that were dependant on DHS drafting a plan. With the Corker-Hoeven
amendment certain border security measures must be included in the DHS
border security plan.
The Senate considered only 12 amendments to the comprehensive bill, most of
which were GOP amendments aimed at ensuring border security measures
occurred before any immigrants were granted legal status — those failed.
The Senate is expected to pass the immigration bill next week. Reid has said
the bill needs to be complete before the July 4th recess.
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/306987-senate-awaits-corker-hoeven-language-to-proceed-on-immigration-reform#ixzz2WoyEit9e
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
发帖数: 328
Good news? Bad news?
发帖数: 61690
good news for senate.应该在7月4号前投票了.

【在 y*****8 的大作中提到】
: Good news? Bad news?
发帖数: 126
Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration
Boehner won raves and caucus members emerged predicting the bill would win a
majority of both parties and become law by the end of the year.
"The meeting was wonderful," exclaimed Democratic Rep. Luis Guiterrez of
"We are ready," said Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. "The speaker made it very
clear that he'd like the House to be ready as well."
"It was a meeting that gives us a lot of hope," said Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, D-
Texas, the Hispanic Caucus chairman.
The immigration protesters advanced on the news conference, poking signs
that read "Do Not Reward Criminals" and "No Amnesty!" over the heads of
Republicans who had just finished speaking about finding a civilized tone in
the year's most difficult debate.
As the politicians ducked out of camera range, one Hispanic pastor who had
appeared with them, Becky Keenan, instead turned toward the protesters and
took a photo. They began to yell at her. Keenan ignored them, quietly
explaining why House Speaker John Boehner is bothering to pursue agreement
on the headache that is immigration reform.
"If the Republican Party wants to regain the Hispanic vote, which they so
miserably lost in the last election, they're going to have to let Latinos
know they are wanted," Keenan, pastor of Gulf Meadows Church in Houston,
said after the hubbub Wednesday had subsided. "They are going to have to
deal with immigration reform."
Six months after Hispanics overwhelmingly helped return President Barack
Obama to office and control of the Senate to Democrats, Boehner is helping
lead the GOP effort to bite into that base of support — or at least stop
alienating a demographic that accounts for 17 percent of the nation. That
means getting a new policy on immigration, perhaps the most delicate
political dance of Boehner's career.
Immigration separates Republicans from one another as much if not more than
it separates them from Democrats. They don't trust Boehner to hew to the so-
called Hastert Rule, named after former GOP Speaker Dennis Hastert, though
it was more a goal than a set rule. During the eight years he ran the House,
he had a policy of allowing votes only on those bills that were supported
by a majority of Republican members.
Boehner has already disregarded his predecessor's policy three times this
year — on the Violence Against Women Act, the "fiscal cliff" and aid to
victims of Superstorm Sandy — letting Democrats drive the outcome of
legislation in the GOP-controlled House. One Republican, California Rep.
Dana Roherbacher, said he'd pursue Boehner's ouster were the speaker to
break the majority rule on immigration.
The speaker reassured his caucus on Tuesday that he won't bring an
immigration bill to the floor for a vote unless it has support from a
majority of House Republicans, or allow a bill that lacks the border
security provisions conservatives are demanding.
Twenty-four hours later, Boehner pirouetted to what participants said was
his first-ever meeting with the liberal-leaning Congressional Hispanic
Caucus, where he belabored the obvious: Any such bill that passes the House
is not likely to be the last word on immigration reform. The Senate was
working through its own bill, and any finished product was likely to be
written by a bipartisan committee of House members and senators.
Boehner won raves and caucus members emerged predicting the bill would win a
majority of both parties and become law by the end of the year.
"The meeting was wonderful," exclaimed Democratic Rep. Luis Guiterrez of
"We are ready," said Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. "The speaker made it very
clear that he'd like the House to be ready as well."
"It was a meeting that gives us a lot of hope," said Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, D-
Texas, the Hispanic Caucus chairman.
Boehner's hand-holding reflects the serious political stakes for his party
after it failed to regain the presidency last fall and suffered net losses
in both the Senate and House. More than a year out from yet another election
with all 435 House seats on the ballot, the dilemma that faces him on
immigration reform reflects a party-wide conundrum: how to draw in new
voters, especially Hispanics and women, without alienating conservatives who
make up the GOP's base?
The answer, according to a report the Republican National Committee
commissioned in the wake of the 2012 election, rests in large part on the
GOP agreeing to an overhaul of immigration law that provides some mechanism
for providing legal status to millions of immigrants who either crossed into
the country illegally or overstayed their visas.
"We must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform," the report
said. "If we do not, our party's appeal will continue to shrink."
Whatever the final legislation looks like remains the question tying up
Congress. Obama has placed the issue at the top of his domestic agenda but
has maintained a low profile so as not to become a lightning rod for
opponents. Polling suggests most Hispanic registered voters have a more
negative impression of the GOP than of the Democratic Party.
Illustrating the divide within Boehner's House majority, Rep. Steve King, R-
Iowa, an immigration hard-liner, convened a six-hour news conference outside
the Capitol to highlight opposition to an Obama-endorsed Senate bill that
could come to a final vote next week. People in the crowd held signs
opposing "illegal aliens" and criticizing Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., a
conservative author of the Senate bill, as "Obama's Idiot."
Keenan, who had attended the Republican news conference just across a
driveway from the King event, shook her head at the protesters but didn't
engage them.
"A lot if it is fear-based," she said.
发帖数: 61690


【在 v***g 的大作中提到】
: Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration
: Boehner won raves and caucus members emerged predicting the bill would win a
: majority of both parties and become law by the end of the year.
: "The meeting was wonderful," exclaimed Democratic Rep. Luis Guiterrez of
: Illinois.
: "We are ready," said Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. "The speaker made it very
: clear that he'd like the House to be ready as well."
: "It was a meeting that gives us a lot of hope," said Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, D-
: Texas, the Hispanic Caucus chairman.
: ============================================================================

发帖数: 445

【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: 我是不敢预测house的.过去两年发生的一切证明house的议员们能够假戏真做.什么都能
: 发生.
: a
: very
: D-
: ==

发帖数: 8454

【在 w******7 的大作中提到】
: 你这句话还挺中肯的
: CIR必过senate,但无法通过House

发帖数: 1367

【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: good news for senate.应该在7月4号前投票了.
发帖数: 445
如果你想要更严谨一些的语言,可以这样说:CIR 100%过senate,1%过House

【在 m**x 的大作中提到】
: 你还是不理解什么叫"什么都能发生"吧?小学语文没学好
发帖数: 61690

【在 w******7 的大作中提到】
: 如果你想要更严谨一些的语言,可以这样说:CIR 100%过senate,1%过House
风向看来又转了,Hoeven & Corker和八人帮貌似接近deal了corker说他的amendment能搞15票过来
发帖数: 8454
at least this time you admit there is a possibility CIR can pass house.
which contradict to your previous statements. 1% and 60% is just different

【在 w******7 的大作中提到】
: 如果你想要更严谨一些的语言,可以这样说:CIR 100%过senate,1%过House
发帖数: 445
House目前没有任何迹象会向senate妥协,而且house GOP极其强硬极其统一,目前全票

【在 b*****d 的大作中提到】
: 如果参议院70票高票过,大约有60%的机会成为法律.
发帖数: 61690

【在 w******7 的大作中提到】
: 我保留看法。我认为参院即使80票通过,大约也只有1-2%的机会成为法律。
: House目前没有任何迹象会向senate妥协,而且house GOP极其强硬极其统一,目前全票
: 通过的bill基本都是跟非移宣战的。

发帖数: 328
Why you guys still arguing with watch007, he is just one of sb's "majia".
Just ignore him.
发帖数: 1067
Reid schedules vote on border security amendment for Monday
发帖数: 61690

【在 e******u 的大作中提到】
: Reid schedules vote on border security amendment for Monday
发帖数: 1367
Reid hopes to finish work on the Senate immigration bill by the end of next
week, and said a vote to end debate on the underlying bill will be held
“We will vote on cloture on the bill Thursday," Reid said. "I repeat we
will finish this bill before recess.”
1 (共1页)
14 Republican senators who voted for the legislation看来portman还是会支持的
CBO说CIR能让跨界非法移民降低50%风向看来又转了,Hoeven & Corker和八人帮貌似接近deal了
DREAM Act appears dead8人帮第一次在投票上分裂
大戏第二幕要谢了:reid file cloture了corker说他的amendment能搞15票过来
Bill O’Reilly是个明白人Hatch修正案可能要加到corker的修正案里
Reid不妥协,威胁要file cloture,本周末投票现在两党正在就非法移民福利问题扯皮
话题: senate话题: border话题: gop话题: house话题: reid