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EB23版 - Two-Page Summary Of The Proposed Bill
Immigration Policy: Highly Skilled Workers and U.S. Competitiveness and Innovation - Brookings Insti国内叫足浴 这里叫foot spa 完事后得知。。。
Rule-Making Agenda for Modernization of Employment-Based Immigration SystemHouse GOP Hints At Immigration Reform For Skilled Workers ZT
LOW-skilled immigration reform is under way next weekIs There a Shortage of Skilled Foreign Workers?
这个如何:staple the green card to the diploma今天竟然收到schumer的来信据说HR3012(S1983)还没死干净?
President’s Executive Actions for U.S. Businesses and Highly Skilled WorkersEb2的广告根本就不可能符合Eb3的条件
Bad for immigration lawNSC 140不PP的批准时间
话题: workers话题: program话题: our话题: american
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
Conservative Economists Say Modernizing Our System Will Grow Our Economy And
Create Jobs:
Themodernization of our legal immigration system will be a net benefit for
America as we make historic reforms towards amore merit-based immigration
system that will help us attract entrepreneurs, innovators, investors,
skilled workers andpeople driven by the desire to build a better life for
themselves and, in turn, create jobs for American workers.
Protecting American Workers:
This bill protects American workers from unwarranted immigration for jobs
that Americans are willing and able to do. For example, the proposal would
not allow any work visas to be issued if theunemployment rate in a certain
area is above 8.5 percent, which is the norm in many cities.
Highly Skilled Workers:
educating the world’s brightest and most innovative minds, we will no
longer send them
home to benefit competing economies like China and India; we will instead
staple green cards to their diplomas. We willalso expand the highly skilled
H1-B visa program from 65,000 to 110,000
to fill jobs Americans can’t do
. To accomplishthe move to a more merit-based immigration system, we
eliminate certain categories of family preferences that haveallowed for
chain migration and completely eliminate the diversity visa lottery, among
other reforms.
Guest Worker Program:
The bill establishes a guest worker program for lower-skilled workers that
ensures our future
flow of workers is manageable, traceable, fair to American workers, and in
line with our economy’s needs
. Themodernization of our visa programs will ensure people who want to come

and who our economy needs to comelegally

can do so.
Agricultural Worker Program:
A new agricultural guest worker visa program would be established to ensure
anadequate agricultural workforce to safeguard our food supply. This program
will also allow current undocumented farmworkers who have made a
substantial prior commitment to agricultural work in the United States to
obtain legal statusthrough an Agricultural Card Program.
1 (共1页)
NSC 140不PP的批准时间准备办绿卡情况复杂请高人们给点儿意见
ABCnews:40万highly-skilled workers will be eligiblePresident’s Executive Actions for U.S. Businesses and Highly Skilled Workers
EB3算high skilled workers吗?Bad for immigration law
Immigration Policy: Highly Skilled Workers and U.S. Competitiveness and Innovation - Brookings Insti国内叫足浴 这里叫foot spa 完事后得知。。。
Rule-Making Agenda for Modernization of Employment-Based Immigration SystemHouse GOP Hints At Immigration Reform For Skilled Workers ZT
LOW-skilled immigration reform is under way next weekIs There a Shortage of Skilled Foreign Workers?
这个如何:staple the green card to the diploma今天竟然收到schumer的来信据说HR3012(S1983)还没死干净?
话题: workers话题: program话题: our话题: american