请问有没有近期用EAD/AP Combo Card返回美国的朋友,请介绍一下经验;需要带什么
另外,卡上没有指纹,只有一句"FingerPrint is not available", 返美是否有问题?
再有,查到一片年初的信息(http://immigrationroad.com/blog/travel-alert-ead-ap-combo-card-rejected-at-beijing-airport/),说北京不可以用EAD/AP Combo Card 返美,谁有确切的更新消息?
Recently we were alerted to some travelers’ experience at the Beijing
International Airport: They were denied boarding on their way back to the U.
S. because their EAD and AP combo cards were not yet officially recognized
by the Beijing Station of Exit and Entry Inspection.