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EB23版 - Congressman Pete Stark's replay
有人听说过 SKIL BILL吗?CIR是什么时候知道结果,6月的哪天?
如果H.R.213通过,会全C吗?Paul Ryan也加入七人帮了
reply from Senator, how to reply?【EB2 2016年四月第10绿】 TSC PD 07/2012 RD 06/02/2015
上次给议员写信,收到回信了。大家看看。TSC PD 09/07/2006之前还有没绿的吗?
Obama: Congress may not tackle immigration soon【EB3 2015年三月第36绿】报个绿 TSC 11.10
又收到一封议员来信,求建议!Bill for graduates green cards
话题: congress话题: stark话题: pete话题: visas话题: act
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7404
Dear XXX:
Thank you for your message. I agree that our country's visa system is
broken and that comprehensive immigration is needed.
In the 111th Congress, I cosponsored the CIR ASAP Act. If passed, this bill
would have permitted the "recapture" of unused employment-based visas and
family-sponsored visas from fiscal years 1992-2008 and allowed future unused
visa numbers to roll over to the next fiscal years. The bill also would
have reclassified spouses and children of lawful permanent residents as
immediate relatives.
While this legislation has not yet been introduced in this Congress, I am
working to support immigration reform efforts. I am a cosponsor of the
Reuniting Families Act, which ensures that visas are allocated efficiently,
alleviates long wait times that keep immigrant families apart, and addresses
laws that keep family members from reuniting.
I will continue to work for efficient and thoughtful immigration policy.


Pete Stark

Member of Congress
1 (共1页)
Bill for graduates green cards新移民联合会支持向议员请愿并请大家进行登记
倒霉的Weiner还推过Skill Worker Bill,但好象动机不纯贴个国会议员对EB1C的回信
Response from Senator Menendez - NJObama: Congress may not tackle immigration soon
Perm prevailing wage determination 问题又收到一封议员来信,求建议!
有人听说过 SKIL BILL吗?CIR是什么时候知道结果,6月的哪天?
如果H.R.213通过,会全C吗?Paul Ryan也加入七人帮了
reply from Senator, how to reply?【EB2 2016年四月第10绿】 TSC PD 07/2012 RD 06/02/2015
上次给议员写信,收到回信了。大家看看。TSC PD 09/07/2006之前还有没绿的吗?
话题: congress话题: stark话题: pete话题: visas话题: act