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DotNet版 - How to read SSL Socket stream?
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话题: ssl话题: socket话题: https话题: connection话题: stream
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2565
I know some time ago, cyberspace asked about how to download a file
through HTTPS connection.
And some short time later, Dintern asked about how to tell if a
connection is HTTPS.
I think you guys had very good discussion about these problems.
I would like to go one step further. How do we read from an SSL socket
I've googled a little bit, but all I found is basic socket programming.
None touches upon secured connection.
Any idea on how to receive (or send) data through HTTPS connection
发帖数: 2565
The answer is probably here:
I think a9 shared the same idea
(cf: 3320 as of 11:52PM EST JUN 26,2007)
some time ago. a9 must be a high-hand.

【在 y********o 的大作中提到】
: I know some time ago, cyberspace asked about how to download a file
: through HTTPS connection.
: And some short time later, Dintern asked about how to tell if a
: connection is HTTPS.
: I think you guys had very good discussion about these problems.
: I would like to go one step further. How do we read from an SSL socket
: stream?
: I've googled a little bit, but all I found is basic socket programming.
: None touches upon secured connection.
: Any idea on how to receive (or send) data through HTTPS connection

发帖数: 1027
consuming ssl is not any different than consuming non ssl.
only difference is you can supply your own certificate policy, just check
HttpWebRequest's ssl policy property and see how to do it. but even that
should be optional.
just give it a try, it'll work just like http.
发帖数: 2565
Yes, I tried implementing my own certificate policy and accepting
any certificate. It works. The idea of a9.

【在 b****u 的大作中提到】
: consuming ssl is not any different than consuming non ssl.
: only difference is you can supply your own certificate policy, just check
: HttpWebRequest's ssl policy property and see how to do it. but even that
: should be optional.
: just give it a try, it'll work just like http.

1 (共1页)
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话题: ssl话题: socket话题: https话题: connection话题: stream