

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Database版 - how to know how many uses exists in my db?
Create tablespace using dbconsole in Oracle 11g面试回来发考题3
What is default USERNAME and PASSWORDMySQL DBA 的前途
how to create user in Oracle?anyone can check my ASP code about pulldown menu?
Quick way to learn database?oracle求助
more HELP: how to make this sql more efficient?Oracle 8i export and import ?
请教 oracle sql developeroracle里有些怪怪的表,不只是哪里来的?
tablespace是个啥样的概念啊?create database 在oracle中有什么用处?
面试回来发考题1question: how to drop a tablespace
话题: db话题: many话题: users话题: my话题: tablespace
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 158
my oracle database messed up,
can anyone tell me how to use
sql to find out how many users
in my db? and what are their
default database? login as system/manager.
发帖数: 3184

select username from all_users;
offers you all user's names
apply count() aggregate will tell you how many they are
select username, default_tablespace from user_users
offers you default tablespace associated with a normal user
select username, default_tablespace from dba_users;
is similar to the above, but tells you same thing about those

【在 A***g 的大作中提到】
: my oracle database messed up,
: can anyone tell me how to use
: sql to find out how many users
: in my db? and what are their
: default database? login as system/manager.
: thanx!!!

1 (共1页)
question: how to drop a tablespacemore HELP: how to make this sql more efficient?
Help: 如何在oracle 9i 中添加1 个user?请教 oracle sql developer
[转载] question on SQLtablespace是个啥样的概念啊?
How to creat user in Oracle?面试回来发考题1
Create tablespace using dbconsole in Oracle 11g面试回来发考题3
What is default USERNAME and PASSWORDMySQL DBA 的前途
how to create user in Oracle?anyone can check my ASP code about pulldown menu?
Quick way to learn database?oracle求助
话题: db话题: many话题: users话题: my话题: tablespace