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Database版 - Anyone using Oracle Portal-to-Go?
[转载] Java/JSP/Servlets... and Database(Oracle/DB2)用Servlet显示数据库里的数据,分页的? (很实际的问题)
oracle installation problem,help!download version Oracle discoverer installation problem
请问Oracle Application Server 4.0是什么时候发布的Oracle 8.1.7 install
How I choose from WebDB and Oracle8iservlet调用sql 访问oracle的问题
一个关于Oracle Archivelog mode的问题naive question
有谁知道Oracle还会support Oracle Application Server多久?object option in Oracle
Oracle Application Server Premier technical support过期can't start Oracle management service on Win2k
话题: go话题: portal话题: anyone话题: oracle话题: server
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
I was assigned a task some days ago: installing Oracle
Application Server and Portal-to-Go, testing them. I
encountered some problems. Anyone here can give me a hand?
The problems are as below:
1. Cannot invoke cartridge of Portal-to-Go server in the
application server;
2. Cannot display the jsp files inside the website.
Thanks for your help!
发帖数: 42
what is the OAS version you are using? Only OAS supports
jsp and servlet. I've never known any cartridge named
Portal-to-Go. Is that a separate product? From where?

【在 p**********i 的大作中提到】
: I was assigned a task some days ago: installing Oracle
: Application Server and Portal-to-Go, testing them. I
: encountered some problems. Anyone here can give me a hand?
: The problems are as below:
: 1. Cannot invoke cartridge of Portal-to-Go server in the
: application server;
: 2. Cannot display the jsp files inside the website.
: Thanks for your help!

发帖数: 139
Did you ever try JSP and Servlet with OAS 4082 release?
Is that OK?
I am going to use it to do that.

【在 o*b 的大作中提到】
: what is the OAS version you are using? Only OAS supports
: jsp and servlet. I've never known any cartridge named
: Portal-to-Go. Is that a separate product? From where?

发帖数: 42
Jsp and servlet are in production of version 4082. It is
commercial product and it should be OK.
By the way, I know 4082 has been shipped internally. Has it
been shipped outside officially?

【在 w*****h 的大作中提到】
: Did you ever try JSP and Servlet with OAS 4082 release?
: Is that OK?
: I am going to use it to do that.

发帖数: 139
I am not sure. We ordered 4081, and I just noticed 4082 released recently.
Definitely we will upgrade to that. I will try the evaluation version first.

【在 o*b 的大作中提到】
: Jsp and servlet are in production of version 4082. It is
: commercial product and it should be OK.
: By the way, I know 4082 has been shipped internally. Has it
: been shipped outside officially?

1 (共1页)
请教oracle8如何用一个关于Oracle Archivelog mode的问题
anyone into facebook?有谁知道Oracle还会support Oracle Application Server多久?
[转载] Whcich DB Software to Install?Oracle Application Server Premier technical support过期
[转载] Java/JSP/Servlets... and Database(Oracle/DB2)用Servlet显示数据库里的数据,分页的? (很实际的问题)
oracle installation problem,help!download version Oracle discoverer installation problem
请问Oracle Application Server 4.0是什么时候发布的Oracle 8.1.7 install
How I choose from WebDB and Oracle8iservlet调用sql 访问oracle的问题
话题: go话题: portal话题: anyone话题: oracle话题: server