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Database版 - newbie's question about oracle
【已解决】oracle db linkOracle Default passwd for SYS, SYSTEM is not vali
How to creat user in Oracle?SQL Developer ORA-01017 错误
Oracle-Client connect to Server Database problemoracle error ORA-12571
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question about ORACLE 10g Express on FedoraOracle database link problem
问一下oracle高手有谁知道产生这两个ORA error的原因?
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如何在Unbuntu下启动oracledbms_java error, need help...
话题: oracle话题: password话题: manager话题: system话题: sys
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
I'm a newcomer for Oracle. I just installed Oracle 8.0.5 for Windows NT,
but I can't login as either SYS or SYSTEM or MANAGER ( I leaved password
blank). The message I got is:
ORA-12203: TNS: Unable to connect to destination.
Anybody can help me out? Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 2

try this:

【在 o***o 的大作中提到】
: I'm a newcomer for Oracle. I just installed Oracle 8.0.5 for Windows NT,
: but I can't login as either SYS or SYSTEM or MANAGER ( I leaved password
: blank). The message I got is:
: ORA-12203: TNS: Unable to connect to destination.
: Anybody can help me out? Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 5

Thanks a lot for your reply. I tried them but still got the same message.
Is the ORA-12203 message really for invalid username/password? Should I
put a service name in the "service" box instead of leaving it blank?
No user's manual is really a disadvantage of using pirate software.
My Oracle book doesn't bother to discuss such simple matter at all.
Maybe I should find a "Oracle for dummies" instead:-))

【在 b*d 的大作中提到】
: try this:
: SYS-----password:change_on_install;
: SYSTEM------password:manager;

发帖数: 2
发帖数: 33
Use internal/oracle to login at the first time to initialize the enterprise manager.
Chekc the tnsnames.ora.
Check the Default SID.
Check the service from the NT service panel.

【在 o***o 的大作中提到】
: I'm a newcomer for Oracle. I just installed Oracle 8.0.5 for Windows NT,
: but I can't login as either SYS or SYSTEM or MANAGER ( I leaved password
: blank). The message I got is:
: ORA-12203: TNS: Unable to connect to destination.
: Anybody can help me out? Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 5
Thanks a lot. But it's still not working:-))
I guess the install disk is not burnt well so some services cann't
be started b/c of .exe file errors.
Thanks again for all of you trying to help.

【在 j*****y 的大作中提到】
: Use internal/oracle to login at the first time to initialize the enterprise manager.
: Chekc the tnsnames.ora.
: Check the Default SID.
: Check the service from the NT service panel.

1 (共1页)
dbms_java error, need help...question about ORACLE 10g Express on Fedora
Sql developer connection issue问一下oracle高手
A question about Oracle我的oracle 怎么了?
【已解决】oracle db linkOracle Default passwd for SYS, SYSTEM is not vali
How to creat user in Oracle?SQL Developer ORA-01017 错误
Oracle-Client connect to Server Database problemoracle error ORA-12571
connect to an oracle server on anoter machineHow to configure Listener in Oracle?
话题: oracle话题: password话题: manager话题: system话题: sys