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DataSciences版 - PhD student position in Biomedical Engineering
Postdoctoral Research Associate PositionThe 39 Most Important People In Cloud Computing
Text AnalyticsRe: T店面两题 (转载)
有没有人上过stanford data mining 或者bioinformatics graduate certificate 的课最近听说的两个笑话
University of Florida Postdoctoral Research Scientist Biomedical InformaticsAyasdi 搞tda 拉了几十个米的风投了
妹纸物理phd转data science求建议opening for fresh PHD or PHD drop out in quant major (转载)
有人在Big Data 用MATLAB ?Paper help! 包子感谢!
【真心请教】选master project课题 - 有包子 (转载)新博士选题求指导
关注coursera上high performance scientific computing这门课questions about SVD and ALSWR for collaborative filtering
话题: lab话题: biomedical话题: phd话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 105
Open position: PhD student in Computational Neuroimaging
Application Due: October 1st, 2015
Starting date: 2016 Spring Semester
The successful candidate will contribute to research in the Computational
Neuroanatomy and Neuroinformatics Lab (CNN Lab) of the Biomedical
Engineering Department at New Jersey Institute of Technology. The Lab
focuses on development and implementations of analytic and statistic models
for providing quantitative biological criteria that help diagnosis of
cognitive deficits, by integrating high-dimensional multi-modal neuroimaging
, clinical and behavioral data and refined imaging analysis and multivariate
machine learning techniques. The collaborative research team includes
renowned quantitative and clinical scientists affiliated at New Jersey
Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai, City University of New York, and Albert Einstein College of
Medicine. The multiple neuroimaging modalities involved in the lab includes
structural MRI, DTI, task-based and resting-state fMRI and functional near-
infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). The study population greatly focuses on
children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Mood Disoder (MD), and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Candidate Requirements: The candidate should have a Master’s degree in
biomedical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, computer
science, mathematics, physics, computational neurosciences or a related
discipline. Expertise in brain imaging and/or programming is highly
Tasks of the PhD student: To work in collaboration with clinical and
engineering departments for the development and application of new
methodologies; to analyze complex multi-modal and longitudinal neuroimaging
and clinical data; to participate in MRI data acquisition, manuscripts
Programming Languages and Toolboxes employed in the lab: Matlab, C/C++,
Python, Shell Scripts, R, SAS, FSL, FreeSurfer, SPM, AFNI, etc.
Operating Systems employed in the lab: Linux based high performance parallel
computing system.
Contact: The candidature (Research Statement, CV, copies of the transcript
and diploma) goes to:
Dr. Xiaobo Li
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director of the Computational Neuroanatomy and Neuroinformatics Lab (CNN Lab
New Jersey Institute of Technology
[email protected]
/* */
1 (共1页)
questions about SVD and ALSWR for collaborative filtering妹纸物理phd转data science求建议
招人--清华大学有人在Big Data 用MATLAB ?
求个 spring 2015 的internship【真心请教】选master project课题 - 有包子 (转载)
搞computer vision的phd转行做DS有意思么关注coursera上high performance scientific computing这门课
Postdoctoral Research Associate PositionThe 39 Most Important People In Cloud Computing
Text AnalyticsRe: T店面两题 (转载)
有没有人上过stanford data mining 或者bioinformatics graduate certificate 的课最近听说的两个笑话
University of Florida Postdoctoral Research Scientist Biomedical InformaticsAyasdi 搞tda 拉了几十个米的风投了
话题: lab话题: biomedical话题: phd话题: new