

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Dance版 - This year's IDB dance camp
with Karina in 2008 IDB今天有eugene kasevman的Latin workshop
Victor and Anna is dancing in DWTS tomorrowFree Admission to Liberty Swing Dance Championship 6/18-6/2
About Indpendence Day Ballsth about World Super Star dance festival in Japan
I met Yulia and Riccardo in Macy's this afternoon!slavik and elena video on youtube
Post IDB - let's talk about teachers我和mirko不得不说的故事
workshops with killick - paso and sambaslavik and hanna rumba
谁知道现场看world super star要多少钱啊?Dancing's Maks and Karina Split
话题: camp话题: dance话题: workshops话题: victor话题: idb
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2094
Last year I had a great time attending the Independence Day Ball dance camp.
Karina's 8 workshops were all on two weekend days, which i enjoyed so much.
This year she'll be teaching workshops only on Wed, Thu and Fri. The weekend
days are left in the hands of people who are not interesting to me, except
Victor Kanevsky. I am asking myself: is he worth the trip to D.C.?
Any of you had learning experience with Victor? cfish, how about you?
发帖数: 2094
I made up my mind that this is not worthwhile. hotel + flight + camp fee =
well over $600. great if i can take 8 workshops with Karina in two days, but
not with other people...
Instead, i just scheduled a private lesson with paul killick before he
leaves! Gotta try at least once in my whole dance life learning with the
star, right? One lesson is almost nothing, but i usually get something else
from such lessons - unique inspirations and perspectives - which re-arrange
the bits of knowledges i le
发帖数: 1827


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: I made up my mind that this is not worthwhile. hotel + flight + camp fee =
: well over $600. great if i can take 8 workshops with Karina in two days, but
: not with other people...
: Instead, i just scheduled a private lesson with paul killick before he
: leaves! Gotta try at least once in my whole dance life learning with the
: star, right? One lesson is almost nothing, but i usually get something else
: from such lessons - unique inspirations and perspectives - which re-arrange
: the bits of knowledges i le

发帖数: 4801


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: I made up my mind that this is not worthwhile. hotel + flight + camp fee =
: well over $600. great if i can take 8 workshops with Karina in two days, but
: not with other people...
: Instead, i just scheduled a private lesson with paul killick before he
: leaves! Gotta try at least once in my whole dance life learning with the
: star, right? One lesson is almost nothing, but i usually get something else
: from such lessons - unique inspirations and perspectives - which re-arrange
: the bits of knowledges i le

发帖数: 213
just looked at its schedule. the topics are quite attractive with great
teachers. wish I was there. :(


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Last year I had a great time attending the Independence Day Ball dance camp.
: Karina's 8 workshops were all on two weekend days, which i enjoyed so much.
: This year she'll be teaching workshops only on Wed, Thu and Fri. The weekend
: days are left in the hands of people who are not interesting to me, except
: Victor Kanevsky. I am asking myself: is he worth the trip to D.C.?
: Any of you had learning experience with Victor? cfish, how about you?

1 (共1页)
小课80块一个小时算平均价格吗?Post IDB - let's talk about teachers
auraeworkshops with killick - paso and samba
【原创】学生来汇报谁知道现场看world super star要多少钱啊?
【舞会】Rutgers Social This Saturday伤心
with Karina in 2008 IDB今天有eugene kasevman的Latin workshop
Victor and Anna is dancing in DWTS tomorrowFree Admission to Liberty Swing Dance Championship 6/18-6/2
About Indpendence Day Ballsth about World Super Star dance festival in Japan
I met Yulia and Riccardo in Macy's this afternoon!slavik and elena video on youtube
话题: camp话题: dance话题: workshops话题: victor话题: idb