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Dance版 - connecting steps
Re: sent to gmail leSo You Think You Can Dance by Fox
the dancing新人报道!
chacha back chasse的问题昨晚你vote了么?
belly dance会不会腰疼?有去过salsa congress的吗,介绍一下好吗
有木有还不会跳舞的? (转载)鞋子很贵。。
so happy to live in NYCUse skype to vote
how many people can do hit level extensionThe 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym (ZZ)
last year of dance关于speedtest
话题: connecting话题: used话题: steps话题: tricks话题: seconds
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 99
just a little post of something that i have come to realize over the past year
s of dancing. i used to be a really bad dancer (not that i am any better now.)
i used to focus on the 5 seconds out of the 1.75 minutes of the dancing.what
i mean by that is that i used to want to make all my tricks look sharp and rig
ht, and all my stretches and highlights look professional. however, i forgot t
hat those only lasted 5 seconds. i didn't focus on what i did while i wasn't d
oing the tricks and highligh
1 (共1页)
关于speedtest有木有还不会跳舞的? (转载)
Alienware Alpha $328so happy to live in NYC
Last 7 days 50+ mileshow many people can do hit level extension
捉老鼠last year of dance
Re: sent to gmail leSo You Think You Can Dance by Fox
the dancing新人报道!
chacha back chasse的问题昨晚你vote了么?
belly dance会不会腰疼?有去过salsa congress的吗,介绍一下好吗
话题: connecting话题: used话题: steps话题: tricks话题: seconds