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Dance版 - We had so many good male dancers on the floor, but what abo
dancebeat blackpool coveragehttp://www.dancesportinfo.net/Articles/5962.aspx
Dancebeat article - Russia vs China?我和拉丁舞世界冠军bryan watson不得不说的故事
I am so shocked有这样跳舞的??
...*** BLACKPOOL PREDICTION ***...Nadia's comments on UK Open (Latin)
Lifetime Achievement as a Dancer Polldancebeat有很多international的review
Going to BlackpoolAlemana 501 -- Championship
End of a Latin Dynasty one more thing
My One Year AnniversaryI'm quoted in a magazine !!!
话题: dancers话题: shirts话题: blackpool话题: tucked话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8282
According to dancebeat's coverage about blackpool 2007
发帖数: 2094
"Klaus Konsdal & Victoria Franova have ended their competitive career."
Wow! I was wondering what happened. Earlier I read somewhere else that they
were doing fine despite rumors of split. I like this couple - they were
competing intensely against Riccado and Joanne for amateur champion, turned
pro too and became Blackpool finalists last year...
Now, would that actually be a signal that Klaus will dance with somebody
else, with that somebody else being...hm...you guys know who i am talking

【在 w***5 的大作中提到】
: According to dancebeat's coverage about blackpool 2007
: http://www.dancebeat.com/international.aspx?ifbm=cs2

发帖数: 2094
"Has the dress code for the men changed? They all wore their shirts tucked
in. Even those who began with them out, had tucked in by the semi, including
Micahel Wentinck in his bright red."
What is the code? Are they required to tuck in their shirts or not? I'd
preferred tucked in.

【在 w***5 的大作中提到】
: According to dancebeat's coverage about blackpool 2007
: http://www.dancebeat.com/international.aspx?ifbm=cs2

发帖数: 8282
I saw many dancers wore shirts untucked or even a dance jacket.
Do you notice how Watson's pants moved when he is dancing? At least twenty
dancers came to me to buy the fabric at Blackpool. The fabric is unique from
the rest of menswear makers.
Interesting enough, you can notice the details with menswear. hehe.
FYI, if you are buying ballroom dress, pearl chiffon will be the trend, and
stretchable satin will fade away.


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: "Has the dress code for the men changed? They all wore their shirts tucked
: in. Even those who began with them out, had tucked in by the semi, including
: Micahel Wentinck in his bright red."
: What is the code? Are they required to tuck in their shirts or not? I'd
: preferred tucked in.

发帖数: 2094
Hoho, i do notice top guy dancers' costumes :) The first time i saw bryan
and sometimes slavik's loose light-weighted satin-looking shirts, i didn't
like them. they don't look sporty. and you can't see the movement of the
body center when shirts are not tucked in.
i don't buy ballroom gowns (standard gowns) for now, but what is the trendy
material for latin dress?


【在 w***5 的大作中提到】
: I saw many dancers wore shirts untucked or even a dance jacket.
: Do you notice how Watson's pants moved when he is dancing? At least twenty
: dancers came to me to buy the fabric at Blackpool. The fabric is unique from
: the rest of menswear makers.
: Interesting enough, you can notice the details with menswear. hehe.
: FYI, if you are buying ballroom dress, pearl chiffon will be the trend, and
: stretchable satin will fade away.
: including

发帖数: 8282
I didn't notice any change of latin dress fabrics. Do you dance ballroom or
Latin only?


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Hoho, i do notice top guy dancers' costumes :) The first time i saw bryan
: and sometimes slavik's loose light-weighted satin-looking shirts, i didn't
: like them. they don't look sporty. and you can't see the movement of the
: body center when shirts are not tucked in.
: i don't buy ballroom gowns (standard gowns) for now, but what is the trendy
: material for latin dress?
: from
: and

发帖数: 2094
Mainly latin, occasionally smooth for fun. But standard is a goal i will
pursue in the future.


【在 w***5 的大作中提到】
: I didn't notice any change of latin dress fabrics. Do you dance ballroom or
: Latin only?
: trendy

1 (共1页)
I'm quoted in a magazine !!!Lifetime Achievement as a Dancer Poll
USA Dance National is for amateurs only?Going to Blackpool
BlackpoolEnd of a Latin Dynasty
Re: dancedance啊My One Year Anniversary
dancebeat blackpool coveragehttp://www.dancesportinfo.net/Articles/5962.aspx
Dancebeat article - Russia vs China?我和拉丁舞世界冠军bryan watson不得不说的故事
I am so shocked有这样跳舞的??
...*** BLACKPOOL PREDICTION ***...Nadia's comments on UK Open (Latin)
话题: dancers话题: shirts话题: blackpool话题: tucked话题: what