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DVD版 - Superbit - impressive!
国内运来好多DVD,嘿嘿DVD Collection Plan
偶唯一的DVDSex and the city
这个也要出了9/11: The Filmmakers Commemorative DVD Edition
About SuperbitTHE LORD OF THE RINGS加长4碟版
what movies are worth getting from CH? Indiana Jones DVD?
终于把"Das Boot" director's cut看完了Korean made DVD
DVD only or we talk about VCD too?等了很久的Scarface终于要出来了
话题: superbit话题: impressive话题: dvd话题: my话题: just
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 878
Just watched "Panic Room" superbit. It's first superbit title that I have and
I heard it's one of the worst superbit. But the picture quality still
surprised me. It's clearly better than a normal DVD (even my wife can tell:)),
especially for a movie that is quite dark most of the time...seriously
thinking of getting more superbit...
发帖数: 711

what kind of DVD player and TV you have?
not many good movies on superbit though.

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: Just watched "Panic Room" superbit. It's first superbit title that I have and
: I heard it's one of the worst superbit. But the picture quality still
: surprised me. It's clearly better than a normal DVD (even my wife can tell:)),
: especially for a movie that is quite dark most of the time...seriously
: thinking of getting more superbit...

发帖数: 878

My DVD player is Toshiba SD3750...cheapest progressive scan player. TV is
quite good, Toshiba 34HF81 (new model 34HD82 is coming out).
Yeah, lots of shitty movies on superbit. "Fifth Element" is said to be the
best superbit and it's also an OK movie. I'm gonna upgrade this one first.

【在 s**********i 的大作中提到】
: what kind of DVD player and TV you have?
: not many good movies on superbit though.

发帖数: 992

geez! that's several thousand $, u rich man

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: and
: tell:)),
: My DVD player is Toshiba SD3750...cheapest progressive scan player. TV is
: quite good, Toshiba 34HF81 (new model 34HD82 is coming out).
: Yeah, lots of shitty movies on superbit. "Fifth Element" is said to be the
: best superbit and it's also an OK movie. I'm gonna upgrade this one first.

发帖数: 878

No my credit cards are rich, hehe. I actually haven't paid it though I've
bought it over 8 months. It's on my 0%apr credit card which is due Apr 2003.
学学美国佬,先消费再付钱, hehe。

【在 b********t 的大作中提到】
: have
: geez! that's several thousand $, u rich man

1 (共1页)
等了很久的Scarface终于要出来了what movies are worth getting from CH?
First blood appears to be going to HD-DVD...终于把"Das Boot" director's cut看完了
6-month DVD rental from Netflix (Unlimited) for only $86 (20% off purchase price)推荐几个值得收藏的港台片吧
DVD backup questionDVD only or we talk about VCD too?
国内运来好多DVD,嘿嘿DVD Collection Plan
偶唯一的DVDSex and the city
这个也要出了9/11: The Filmmakers Commemorative DVD Edition
About SuperbitTHE LORD OF THE RINGS加长4碟版
话题: superbit话题: impressive话题: dvd话题: my话题: just