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Cycling版 - #ididthat! Horner vents frustration in Twitter
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和Chris Horner零距离
Holy cow, 还没看过这样的事故
话题: ididthat话题: belief话题: twitter话题: horner话题: grand
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19210
Horner vents frustration in Twitter
Chris Horner (RadioShack-Leopard) let loose on Twitter yesterday over doubts
about his credibility. He became the oldest winner of a Grand Tour, winning
the Vuelta a Espaa at 41 last month, but came under fire from critics. As a
result, he posted his anti-doping biological passport data and wrote 24
tweets in 2.5 hours.
His Tweets:
- 15 years old and up @ 4:30am before school starts to train while dreaming
of winning a grand tour. I did that!
- Riding your bike to work so that you can train for hours in the dark after
works done. I did that!
- Hitching a ride across the country for months w/no money (almost I had 400
+-) to race. I did that!
- Sleeping in hotels,host family houses,cars,and park benches to get to the
races. I did that!
- Pro teams won’t give you chance, so you buy your own license and race as
an independent. I did that!
- Race pro for years w/out pay just hoping to make enough winnings to pay
rent. I did that!
- Win everything in the US, pass on the big paycheck, go to Europe for
minimum pay. #ididthat!
- Live in Europe in a small apartment W/no car, computer, phone, TV, only a
walk for company. #ididthat!
- Oops. Only a Walkman for company. #ididthat!
- Take a step back hoping to go forward again. #ididthat!
- Winning again but told I’m too old to go back to Europe a second time but
keep fighting anyways. #ididthat!
- Sell everything I own for a second chance at a grand tour, fly over with a
140bucks in my pocket. #ididthat!
- Start going up the ladder with each year passing while never getting that
leader respect and belief. #ididthat!
- Up @6am w/3kids so I can drop them off @school before I go train all day
for the Grand tours. #ididthat!
- Finding that belief, given the leadership, delivering on it. #ididthat!
- Moving up the ladder w/that continued belief, big sponsors on board now. #
- Whole season disappearing fast but still working hard to make it to those
grand tours. #ididthat!
- Amazing help and belief from all my family, friends, and fans to get back
there. #ididthat!
- Works paid off, forms back, but by now some have lost belief. #ididthat!
- So much stress & work 4another start at a dream that began many years ago.
- A life time of work and a stage/jersey arrive and disappear over night.#
- 100% is given and second time it happens, only to pass just as fast but
belief is returning. #ididthat!
- The jersey returned only this time for life, the stories to tell before &
during it are epic & lifetime. #ididthat
- Yes it was worth it and yes the dream continues… With or without the
belief. #ididthat!
1 (共1页)
Holy cow, 还没看过这样的事故
北加州明天Sierra Rd计划
TDF第一站,massive crash, Contador lost over 1min to everyone else
Tour of Utah!
[合集] How do you carry your bike around with your car
介绍个物美价廉的trunk carrier吧。
请推荐个SUV上用的hitch mount 自行车 rack吧?
SUV hitch mount rack那个mount是不是也要买啊?
话题: ididthat话题: belief话题: twitter话题: horner话题: grand