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CouchPotato版 - Mario Vazquez 退出AI
"Idol" Dropout, Mario Vazquez, Signs with J Records"Idol" Contestant Canned
Gokey may try "Dancing with the Stars"'Idol' Reject Hung Has Recording Deal
AI final performance night[转载] 对黄威廉大家怎么看?Re: 有没有想参加American Idol的同学阿?
'American Idol' Reject Idolized on WebAn "American Idol" Shocker!
今晚ai怎么投票?这一届American Idol和前两届比,唱功差好远!
Anoop is gone;-((Re: American Idol Voting Question
[转载] tonight's apprenticeABC的IDOL DIRT
Fantasia Re: i will vote for说说AMERICAN IDOL
话题: vazquez话题: mario话题: fox话题: idol话题: american
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 992
Mario Vazquez Drops Out of 'American Idol'
49 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES - Fan favorite Mario Vazquez withdrew from "American Idol" on
Sunday, and producers called in the son of a baseball Hall of Famer as backup.
Vazquez, 27, cited "personal reasons" for his withdrawal and no other details
were available, Fox announced in a statement. The New York City singer, who
works with emerging musical artists, had been picked by many fans and three
fellow finalists as a favorite to win the competition.
1 (共1页)
说说AMERICAN IDOL今晚ai怎么投票?
Chinese IdolAnoop is gone;-((
Zombie Attack on American Idol Audition[转载] tonight's apprentice
American Idol: Bucky Haters Rejoice!Fantasia Re: i will vote for
"Idol" Dropout, Mario Vazquez, Signs with J Records"Idol" Contestant Canned
Gokey may try "Dancing with the Stars"'Idol' Reject Hung Has Recording Deal
AI final performance night[转载] 对黄威廉大家怎么看?Re: 有没有想参加American Idol的同学阿?
'American Idol' Reject Idolized on WebAn "American Idol" Shocker!
话题: vazquez话题: mario话题: fox话题: idol话题: american