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Complain版 - Ask skyscorpio which posts are offensive. Ask him to keep a record next time.
投诉:Medical Board, BF, herby, 无故删除帖子medical board BZ bans me for no good reasons.
Medical Board BZ, skyscorpio deleted my post for no good reasons.medical board skyscorpio deleted my posts for no good reasons.
[投诉]Medical Career/Skyscorpio 版主无故封人[合集] medical board BZ bans me for no good reasons.
I was banned by medicalcareer BZ skyscorpio for protesting PA by USMededu.护士版声明 (转载)
[合集] Medical Board BZ, skyscorpio deleted my post for no good re[投诉]Pre_Residen_Club俱乐部版主USMedEduUSMedEdu长期在其公开阅读的俱乐部内PA
Re: 证据1USMedEdu has been PAing in the medical board non-stop. Can you put a permanent ban on him?
标 题: [投诉]Medical Career/Skyscorpio 版主无故封人[投诉]Lexian (蒙古大夫)Personal attack
[投诉]Medical Career/Skyscorpio 版主无故封人[投诉]美国新闻版版主lczlcz公开私信!
话题: ask话题: skyscorpio话题: posts话题: offensive话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 240
I have been a good contributor to BBS for a long time. It is such a pity
that you have a few BZ who abuse their power. Please let me know what your
rules are. If this is the way it is, I will never come back.
寄信人: deliver
标 题: BMtoMD被取消在MedicalCareer版的发文权限
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 25 13:15:41 2011)
来 源: 216.165.
由于您在 MedicalCareer 版 严重干扰版面,引起公愤,我很遗憾地通知您,
您被暂时取消在该版的发文权力 14 天。
Fri Mar 25 13:15:41 2011
发帖数: 240
Medical Board BZ has been abusing his power. He has banned me for no good
reasons. I have dozens of supporters who love my posts. I will leave them
alone if you think I have gone over board. But I thought the BBS trumps a
few BZs right? The biggest draw of BBS is the freedom of speech, right?
Please rule here.
USMedEdu has been using medical board as his launching pad for PAs multiple
times daily. The BZs there have been busy deleting his posts but does not
apply the same rule to him. He has been given a free pass without any
punishment for this PAs.


【在 b****d 的大作中提到】
: I have been a good contributor to BBS for a long time. It is such a pity
: that you have a few BZ who abuse their power. Please let me know what your
: rules are. If this is the way it is, I will never come back.
: 寄信人: deliver
: 标 题: BMtoMD被取消在MedicalCareer版的发文权限
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 25 13:15:41 2011)
: 来 源: 216.165.
: 由于您在 MedicalCareer 版 严重干扰版面,引起公愤,我很遗憾地通知您,
: 您被暂时取消在该版的发文权力 14 天。
: 此信申请恢复权限。

发帖数: 18160


【在 b****d 的大作中提到】
: Dear MITBBS:
: Medical Board BZ has been abusing his power. He has banned me for no good
: reasons. I have dozens of supporters who love my posts. I will leave them
: alone if you think I have gone over board. But I thought the BBS trumps a
: few BZs right? The biggest draw of BBS is the freedom of speech, right?
: Please rule here.
: USMedEdu has been using medical board as his launching pad for PAs multiple
: times daily. The BZs there have been busy deleting his posts but does not
: apply the same rule to him. He has been given a free pass without any
: punishment for this PAs.

1 (共1页)
[投诉]美国新闻版版主lczlcz公开私信![合集] Medical Board BZ, skyscorpio deleted my post for no good re
【投诉】MedicalCareer版主JennyGao424不按版规封人标 题: [投诉]Medical Career/Skyscorpio 版主无故封人
[投诉]MedicalCareer版主JennyGao424个人行为不称职[投诉]Medical Career/Skyscorpio 版主无故封人
投诉:Medical Board, BF, herby, 无故删除帖子medical board BZ bans me for no good reasons.
Medical Board BZ, skyscorpio deleted my post for no good reasons.medical board skyscorpio deleted my posts for no good reasons.
[投诉]Medical Career/Skyscorpio 版主无故封人[合集] medical board BZ bans me for no good reasons.
I was banned by medicalcareer BZ skyscorpio for protesting PA by USMededu.护士版声明 (转载)
话题: ask话题: skyscorpio话题: posts话题: offensive话题: him