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Classified版 - label ready$840求2个Surface Pro 4 (128 GB, 4 GB RAM, Intel Core i5)
[label ready求] Surface Pro 4 (128 GB, 4 GB RAM, Intel Core i5) with Black Cover (keyboard) @560【求购】Surface Pro 3 - 128GB / Intel i5 @940
[label ready求] Surface Pro 4 (128 GB, 4 GB RAM, Intel Core i5) $560[label ready求购]Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (128 GB, Intel Core i5)@800
出售HP dm4-1062nr, Intel Core i5, 4G RAM, 500G【label求购】$1600 Surface Pro 3 (512 GB, Intel Core i7) to CO
[出售]HP G62-337NR/Intel/4GB RAM/320GB/Bluetooth @415【出售】Surface Pro 4 128GB - Intel Core m3 @600
[出售]Lenovo ThinkPad T510 i5-560M(2.66GHz, 3MB L3)PV转让 Surface Pro 128GB + Type Cover + Sleeve Carrying Case
【凑奶粉钱赔钱出售】 Lenovo Ideapad Y560 0646-52U at 540/each【Label 求购】 Surface Pro 128 Gb @ $460
【求购自用】1xMacbook Pro MD318LL/A $1500 + ML【出售】1X Microsoft surface Pro i3 128g @ 545
【Label求购】HP ProBook 4530S A7K05UT @415【Label求购】 Surface Pro 4 128 GB i5 @ $760 to WA
话题: gb话题: core话题: intel
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1825
label ready$840 each求2个Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (128 GB, 4 GB RAM, Intel
Core i5)
PM billpay.
Thank you.
1 (共1页)
【Label求购】 Surface Pro 4 128 GB i5 @ $760 to WA[出售]Lenovo ThinkPad T510 i5-560M(2.66GHz, 3MB L3)
【出售】1* Surface pro 4 i5 东部@710【凑奶粉钱赔钱出售】 Lenovo Ideapad Y560 0646-52U at 540/each
【label ready 求】Surface Pro 3 i5 8gb 256gb @$520【求购自用】1xMacbook Pro MD318LL/A $1500 + ML
【label ready 求】Surface Pro 3 i5 8gb 256gb @$523 obo【Label求购】HP ProBook 4530S A7K05UT @415
[label ready求] Surface Pro 4 (128 GB, 4 GB RAM, Intel Core i5) with Black Cover (keyboard) @560【求购】Surface Pro 3 - 128GB / Intel i5 @940
[label ready求] Surface Pro 4 (128 GB, 4 GB RAM, Intel Core i5) $560[label ready求购]Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (128 GB, Intel Core i5)@800
出售HP dm4-1062nr, Intel Core i5, 4G RAM, 500G【label求购】$1600 Surface Pro 3 (512 GB, Intel Core i7) to CO
[出售]HP G62-337NR/Intel/4GB RAM/320GB/Bluetooth @415【出售】Surface Pro 4 128GB - Intel Core m3 @600
话题: gb话题: core话题: intel