

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Classified版 - [出售] hp g6-1d60us+$50 rebate@435 each set
【出售】2 sets xbox 360 4gb w/kinect bundle + 250gb internal hard drive from CA @$450加价收购: Epson 845/645/Cannon 892/ Samsung 3312ND
[求购]$105求HP 8500 non wireless to FL (需囤货)加价收购: Epson 845/ $126 / Cannon 892 $96 / Epson 837 $125
【求购】 HP 1102W @ 82【出售】netflix 3 months code @ 6,收购量大可议价
MIT宿舍短期出租【没label ready 求购】HP m401n @ 185
【any location求购】hp p2055dn 2055d 2035n 2035 1606dn【短期囤货出售】4xhp 401n from WI @290
【any location求购】hp p2055dn 2055d 2035n 2035 1606dn[求购]3/28 or 3/29 Computer Receipts and UPC
【any location求购】hp p2055dn 2055d 2035n 2035 1606dn[求购]11.27电脑UPC+receipt for HP bundle rebate $10
良药系列。。 EPSON 837/845/645/Cannon 892/ samsung 331[求购] 02/05/2011 PC receipt and UPC copy for hp bundle rebate
话题: month话题: negotiable话题: 囤货话题: set话题: rebate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2987
不囤货,or drop one by one if label is ready within one month
negotiable over one month
dm4-2191us+$50 rebate@570each set
3 sets
不囤货,or drop one by one if label is ready within one month
negotiable over one month
1 (共1页)
[求购] 02/05/2011 PC receipt and UPC copy for hp bundle rebate【any location求购】hp p2055dn 2055d 2035n 2035 1606dn
[label ready求购]Epson Artisan 1430 printer@212【any location求购】hp p2055dn 2055d 2035n 2035 1606dn
[出售]30 sets Macys Clinique DDMG Gift Set【any location求购】hp p2055dn 2055d 2035n 2035 1606dn
[出售]iPad 2 16GB wifi $350 8-month warranty良药系列。。 EPSON 837/845/645/Cannon 892/ samsung 331
【出售】2 sets xbox 360 4gb w/kinect bundle + 250gb internal hard drive from CA @$450加价收购: Epson 845/645/Cannon 892/ Samsung 3312ND
[求购]$105求HP 8500 non wireless to FL (需囤货)加价收购: Epson 845/ $126 / Cannon 892 $96 / Epson 837 $125
【求购】 HP 1102W @ 82【出售】netflix 3 months code @ 6,收购量大可议价
MIT宿舍短期出租【没label ready 求购】HP m401n @ 185
话题: month话题: negotiable话题: 囤货话题: set话题: rebate