

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Classified版 - [出售] $800 Lowes @ 0.90
[出售】 Amazon Gift Cards $500 @ 0.97[出售] $2500 Best Buy Bestbuy GC卡 at 0.95
[出售] BestBuy Best Buy BB Gift Cards $500 @ 0.94[出售] $2000 Amazon Gift Card at 0.97
$500 Amazon Gift Card at 0.965[出售] $2500 Best Buy Bestbuy GC卡 at 0.955
[老ID出售] $550 Home Depot Cards @ 0.90[出售] $2000 Bestbuy Gift Card at 0.955
[老ID出售] $1100 Best Buy Gift Card @ 0.95[出售] iTunes $10 X 4 at 0.90
[老ID出售] $1850 Best Buy Gift Card @ 0.95[出售] $120 Macy's GC for 0.91
[出售] $2000 Best Buy Bestbuy GC卡 at 0.95[出售] $25.00 DSW gift card for 0.80 only
[出售] $1500 Amazon Gift Card at 0.965[出售] $540 Sears Gift Card for 0.90
话题: mailing话题: lowes话题: cards话题: loss话题: usps
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4816
Your money back is 100% guaranteed if any cards don't have the claimed
face values - the buyers will save money only, without taking the risk
for any financial loss (USPS mailing loss not covered).
Lowes $811.34 store merchandise credits
可接受的价格 (required):
0.90 + you pay for mailing
New cards
free codes, or $1.60 for fc+dc mailing, or you choose you pay.
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(required if not code only):
Your money back is 100% guaranteed if the cards don't have the said
face values or if anything is wrong (USPS mailing loss not covered).
Lowes stores
BOA / Chase QuickPay / check / billpay, Absolutely NO PayPal.
能否证明是合法的一手卡?(Required for All Cards!):
是否有Receipt? (Required for All cards!):
All have receipts.
Additional Notes:
1. I expect your payment in 12 hr after I give you my BOA information.
If you cannot complete the payment in 12 hours, please let me know as
soon as possible. Otherwise, I won't hold the item for you after 12
2. The card(s) will be on the mail on the same business day as you
paid for it, and you will be notified the tracking number on the same
3. Payment - BOA & Chase Quickpay preferred, but I take billpay and/or
personal check.
4. Your money back is 100% guaranteed if any cards don't have the
claimed face values or if anything is wrong. This is my guarantee for
buyers to make sure buyers will save money only, without the risk for
any non-mailing related loss (USPS mailing loss not covered).
1 (共1页)
[出售] $540 Sears Gift Card for 0.90[老ID出售] $1100 Best Buy Gift Card @ 0.95
[出售] $800 Amazon Gift Card at 0.97 rate[老ID出售] $1850 Best Buy Gift Card @ 0.95
[出售] $440 Dillards Gift Card at 0.90[出售] $2000 Best Buy Bestbuy GC卡 at 0.95
[出售] $1000 Best Buy Gift Card at 0.95 rate[出售] $1500 Amazon Gift Card at 0.965
[出售】 Amazon Gift Cards $500 @ 0.97[出售] $2500 Best Buy Bestbuy GC卡 at 0.95
[出售] BestBuy Best Buy BB Gift Cards $500 @ 0.94[出售] $2000 Amazon Gift Card at 0.97
$500 Amazon Gift Card at 0.965[出售] $2500 Best Buy Bestbuy GC卡 at 0.955
[老ID出售] $550 Home Depot Cards @ 0.90[出售] $2000 Bestbuy Gift Card at 0.955
话题: mailing话题: lowes话题: cards话题: loss话题: usps