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CivilSociety版 - Gary Lock: World Needs Leadership From U.S&China
中国人真贱!Obama Really Has Helped the Economy
华人政治应该有中期目标---推动骆家辉选总统如果到北京上任 骆家辉的华裔背景:优势抑或劣势?
有没有掌握信息的朋友列举一下ABC和JK show的主要赞助商骆家辉都被证实离婚了 你还不信有小三?
鼓励有心参与政治的朋友积极迈出你们的第一步 (转载)号外!骡家辉>>>婚外情<<<辞职!
选票上四两拨千斤。 2016准备好吧!美狗从幻觉中出来吧,看看美国人对骆家辉的评价
Eric Liu on Being Chinese American男学海日,女学小土豆
骆家辉老婆:从亚裔小姐到大使夫人 这女人不简单(组图)我觉得对骆家辉还是应该支持
话题: china话题: world话题: leadership话题: chinese话题: states
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
Locke says he doesn’t have any political aspirations. He’s working as a
consultant in the private sector, and has not left China behind.
“Helping Chinese companies set up operations and factories here, to helping
American companies grow and expand, and set up products and services into
China. [I’m] discussing now with several American and Chinese companies on
serving as an advisor.
“But we really need to also focus more on people-to-people relations, and
that’s one of the things that Mona and I intend to stay involved in. Not
just trade issues, but really encouraging more understanding among our
peoples. More Americans need to travel to China to study in China and learn
the language and the culture, but we also want to encourage more cooperation
between Chinese and American colleges and universities, nonprofit
“Because so many of the problems facing the world today cannot be solved by
the United States or by China alone. The world is really looking for
leadership and partnership in both China and the United States to tackle
these issues, whether it’s climate changes, preventing terrorism or the
proliferation of nuclear weapons, to curing some of the most dreaded
diseases around the world.
“The world is looking for leadership from both China and the United States,
" Locke said.
1 (共1页)
我觉得对骆家辉还是应该支持鼓励有心参与政治的朋友积极迈出你们的第一步 (转载)
驻华大使骆家辉传因婚外情辞职选票上四两拨千斤。 2016准备好吧!
Re: [转载] 请教大家Eric Liu on Being Chinese American
奥巴马正式提名华裔骆家辉为驻华大使骆家辉老婆:从亚裔小姐到大使夫人 这女人不简单(组图)
中国人真贱!Obama Really Has Helped the Economy
华人政治应该有中期目标---推动骆家辉选总统如果到北京上任 骆家辉的华裔背景:优势抑或劣势?
有没有掌握信息的朋友列举一下ABC和JK show的主要赞助商骆家辉都被证实离婚了 你还不信有小三?
话题: china话题: world话题: leadership话题: chinese话题: states