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CivilEngineering版 - A Sharing
Congratulations to Chinese Woman Badminton Team!!!!交通在读phd诚求审稿机会
有人有FOSSIL ELECTRIC POWER PLANT工作的吗?所谓take with food的药是什么时候服用?
有没有前辈是做工业项目比如Power Plants等.继续修bug打补丁
旅美中国科学家工程师专业人士协会第十六屆年会(10.12) (转载)资历浅的patent agent looking for advice
考 LEED 的计划【求助】投稿杂志选择 能源-实验 包子答谢
Can anybody help one PE structural problem?【求助】投稿杂志选择 能源-实验 包子答谢
话题: economy话题: food话题: sharing话题: fatty话题: fire
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3225
I talked a lot about the US economy and civil engineering. I just found that
similar but much deeper and broader thoughts are available on line:
Here is my interpretation: a man stops planting and hunting for food, but
turns to fatty food traded with his future wealth. As a result, his
strengths, muscles and bones degrade. If the situations keeps going, he
cannot do planting and hunting and create any wealth. Then, how can he
purchase the fatty food?
Science, engineering and innovation build the muscles and the skills for
self-sustaining. Modern financing sells the future for fatty food. The man
prefers to the way of living that brings him food faster (or in MBA's term,
profit maximization). As a result, this idiot addicts to the latter way. For
a nation, the corresponding economy mode is called FIRE, economy fueled
with Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate. The counterpart corresponding to
the first way of living is called productive economy.
Then, why civil engineering lacks money? Well, from asset management point
of view, this piece of asset contributes least in adding values. It is like
the bone of the human; if not broken, who cares about it? Moreover, from the
perspective of capital, engineers and scientists are the laziest and they
deserve the low pay and long work hours, since they creat money too slowly.
Sure, I agree. No scientists and engineers create values faster than a money
printer. No productive economy is better than FIRE. According to Marx, this
is the ultimate stage of capitalism. Hey, folks, did you send application
to the PARTY?
1 (共1页)
【求助】投稿杂志选择 能源-实验 包子答谢旅美中国科学家工程师专业人士协会第十六屆年会(10.12) (转载)
damn, wasted whole day today选专业求助
大家都在sephora买些什么呀?考 LEED 的计划
what I should plant now?Can anybody help one PE structural problem?
Congratulations to Chinese Woman Badminton Team!!!!交通在读phd诚求审稿机会
有人有FOSSIL ELECTRIC POWER PLANT工作的吗?所谓take with food的药是什么时候服用?
有没有前辈是做工业项目比如Power Plants等.继续修bug打补丁
话题: economy话题: food话题: sharing话题: fatty话题: fire