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ChinaNews版 - F-35 又出问题了
美国要惩罚不尊重人权的乌干达了。Immigration functions could be suspended or slowed
【Economist]America's military strategy: Dealing with real哈哈,F-35 ‘can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run’
在youtube分享老袁视频的smartcho2 帐号被suspend了Technip 今天公布计划裁员6000人
Nestlé in ChinaPentagon grounds entire fleet of F-35 fighter jets
谁在推特污染aiww标签? 如何应对?zz谁知道那个地下水费用
世贸现场被称作ground zero. 其字典定义是核爆现场。 (转载)国会年末大戏结束了:政府不会关门了
F-35 又出问题了帮忙看看Lot图
话题: 35话题: program话题: pentagon话题: fighter话题: flights
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17544
F-35 又出问题了?
来源: IQ88 于 2013-02-22 13:57:12[档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Friday suspended the flights of all
51 F-35 fighter planes after a routine inspection revealed a crack on a
turbine blade in the jet engine of an F-35 test aircraft in California.
It was the second grounding of the warplane in two months and marked another
setback for the $396 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, the
Pentagon's biggest weapons program. The program has already been
restructured three times in recent years and may face further cutbacks if
Congress does not avert major budget reductions due to take effect on March
The F-35 program office said it was too early to know if this was a fleet-
wide issue, but it was suspending all flights until an investigation was
completed. A total of 51 F-35 jets were affected, including 17 that are
being used for testing and 34 in use for training in Florida and Arizona.
It said it was working closely with Pratt
1 (共1页)
帮忙看看Lot图Nestlé in China
Restructure is off the table. Rescue plan to come.谁在推特污染aiww标签? 如何应对?zz
baba: 看来大家也没注意到这点世贸现场被称作ground zero. 其字典定义是核爆现场。 (转载)
关于把后院改造成住房的可行性F-35 又出问题了
美国要惩罚不尊重人权的乌干达了。Immigration functions could be suspended or slowed
【Economist]America's military strategy: Dealing with real哈哈,F-35 ‘can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run’
在youtube分享老袁视频的smartcho2 帐号被suspend了Technip 今天公布计划裁员6000人
话题: 35话题: program话题: pentagon话题: fighter话题: flights