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ChinaNews版 - 金正日的奢侈生活
【NYT】China Moves to Ensure Stability in North Korea(EDWAgoogle事件,中国应该效法政治最正确的朝鲜
unidentified_titleChina Today Says It Wants to See N Korea Incoporated Into South
朝鲜变局中的12位关键朝鲜人(虾蟹英文写作) (转载)美国1960-1963的机密情报档案也证实三年自然灾害并未大规模饿死人
Kim Jong-il won't visit China in April骗子Math1978又SB了
金正日英文是"Kim Jong Il"?骗子Math1978又SB了
A Nobel Vision of a Better China (转载)还是毛子有种啊
诺贝尔奖背后的政治 (转载)Perfect time for a coup in North Korea (转载)
从雅典到北京 今年属于中国南北韓相互砲轟 2死20傷
话题: kim话题: il话题: jong话题: he话题: japanese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23737
发帖数: 10103
发帖数: 23737
I Was Kim Jong Il's Cook
True stories from the Dear Leader's onetime chef
By Kenji Fujimoto
The author, who writes under a pseudonym, is a Japanese sushi chef. In 1982,
at the invitation of a Japanese-North Korean trading company, he started wo
rking in a sushi restaurant in Pyongyang. In 1988 he agreed to serve as Kim
Jong Il's personal chef—a job he held until 2001. In April of that year, ha
ving realized the extent of the paranoid and oppressive surveillance he was
under, he escaped to Japan. In 2003, in Japanese, he published Kim Jong Il's
Chef (Fuso Publishing, Inc.), from which these excerpts are drawn.
Well known in Japan from TV and tabloid coverage, Kim Jong Il's "Entourage o
f Delight" is just that—a group of entertainers devoted to providing Kim Jo
ng Il with delight and gaiety.
The women of this entourage were frequently summoned to the "Number 8 Banque
t Hall" in Pyongyang to perform elegant dances. The stage of this hall was e
quipped with an elaborate lighting system that included footlights on the si
des and even a disco mirror ball hanging from the middle of the ceiling with
strobe lights. The floor was also decked out with lights that flashed from
below, and floor-to-ceiling speakers pounded out music.
During a banquet one night a group of five dancers in the entertainment ento
urage were performing a disco dance. Suddenly Kim Jong Il ordered, "Take off
your clothes!" The girls took off their clothes, but then Kim told them to
take it all off. They seemed surprised and could not hide their bewilderment
, but they could not object to their Dear Leader's orders. In awkward embarr
assment they stripped down and continued their performance in the nude.
After a while he turned to his cabinet staff members and instructed them, "Y
ou guys dance with them too." And soon enough I, too, was ordered to dance.
However, he cautioned us, "You'll dance, but you won't touch. If you touch,
you're thieves." In other words, I think Kim Jong Il felt these girls were l
ike his own daughters.
Kim Jong Il has an exceptionally discriminating palate. There is an episode
I remember well that demonstrates this. I was preparing sushi in the Number
8 Banquet Hall. All of a sudden Kim Jong Il said, "Fujimoto, today's sushi t
astes a little different."
He had had a lot to drink that evening before the meal, and I suggested that
maybe that was the reason.
He replied, "Maybe..." He seemed doubtful, but didn't pursue it any further.
However, when I returned to the kitchen, I checked the seasoning used that d
ay and found that the sugar was ten grams less than usual! Kim Jong Il was t
he only one who had noticed. Even I was astonished at this.
With respect to rice, before cooking it a waiter and a kitchen staff member
would inspect it grain by grain. Chipped and defective grains were extracted
; only those with perfect form were presented.
Kim Jong Il is an avid equestrian, and has even appeared in a TV movie atop
a snow-white horse. (All horses belonging to the Kim family are white.) I of
ten accompanied him on long rides. A group of guides would lead the pack, fo
llowed by Kim Jong Il, his wife Ko Young Hee, the children, and me.
One day in 1992, as I was riding behind Kim Jong Il at a right-turning path,
I noticed that his horse was standing by itself. Kim had fallen off the hor
se. It had apparently slipped on a bed of pebbles laid over some asphalt bei
ng repaired. Kim Jong Il had hit his head and shoulder quite hard and had fa
llen unconscious. A doctor was called immediately.
I'm not sure when he regained consciousness, but the next day we all returne
d to Pyongyang by his private train.
From that day, every evening at 10:00 P.M. for the next month, five or six o
f his administrative staff members and I would be injected with the same pai
nkiller that Kim Jong Il was taking. He was afraid he would become addicted
to it, and didn't want to be the only one.
To procure various foods and ingredients I made many trips abroad. Each time
Kim Jong Il ordered me to go buy this or that, flight arrangements would be
made and I would go off.
Fish was the most sought-after item from Japan. High-quality tuna and squid,
one of Madame Ko's favorite foods, were often requested. Once I bought 1,20
0 kilos in total; the air-transport fees alone were exorbitant.
The reason the shipment weighed so much was that I had bought a very large I
ndian tuna whole. I also bought an electric saw to use to fillet the fish. I
had once spent six months filleting tuna at Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market, an
d I wanted to show Kim Jong Il and his family my technique.
In any event, here are the countries I visited and the foods I frequently bo
ught there:
Urumqi (in northwestern China) for fruit, mainly hamigua melons and grapes
Thailand for fruit, mostly durians, papayas, and mangoes
Malaysia for fruit, mostly durians, papayas, and mangoes
Czechoslovakia for draft beer
Denmark for pork
Iran for caviar
Uzbekistan for caviar
Japan for seafood
As I was riding a Jet Ski on a lake near the Chinese border, Kim Jong Il cam
e up next to me and said, "Fujimoto, let's race. But I want you to take it s
He gave the signal to start, and I rammed the accelerator as hard as I could
. Halfway through I looked at him and realized that I was leading by about h
alf a boat length. For a moment I thought I was making a mistake, but I reme
mbered that he had said he wanted me to take the race seriously, so I crosse
d the finish line first.
Kim Jong Il said begrudgingly, "You win, Fujimoto."
At that moment I thought maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to win, and I
regretted it a bit. But he had said it was a serious race, so I decided I w
asn't wrong in winning. Until then nobody else had ever won a contest agains
t Kim Jong Il.
A month later he once again challenged me to a race. However, this time at t
he starting line I was surprised to see that he had traded his old Jet Ski f
or a much larger one. With a different engine capacity there was no way I co
uld win.
At this time several areas in North Korea were suffering from floods and foo
d shortages. Whether he was aware of this or not, Kim Jong Il certainly seem
ed to be enjoying his Jet Ski races.
One day during a meal Kim Jong Il suddenly said, "Fujimoto, I've heard that
in Japan there is a rice cake filled with mugwort. I want you to go and buy
it tomorrow!"
In addition he told me to buy every brand of Japanese cigarette and to spend
no more than three days on the trip.
I departed promptly, and when I reached the Beijing airport, I placed a call
to the Mitsukoshi department store in Tokyo's Ginza district to reserve 100
regular red-bean-filled rice cakes and 100 mugwort-filled rice cakes. The n
ext morning I retrieved the cakes and immediately marched back to Beijing. E
ach cake cost only about 100 yen, but I calculated that with air and hotel e
xpenses each one cost a whopping 1,500 yen [about $14].
Thus I made my whirlwind round trip between Pyongyang and Tokyo to make a ru
sh hand delivery of rice cakes and cigarettes to Kim Jong Il.
When I lined up the Japanese cigarettes on the baccarat table, Kim Jong Il s
moked only the menthol kinds. At the time, he had been smoking a British bra
nd called Rothmans Royals, but he said he had wanted to try Japanese menthol
s as well. After that he smoked Cartier menthols, but from 1998 to 1999 he q
uit smoking altogether.
As for the rice cakes, he awaited the approval of the inspection staff befor
e tasting them. Once he did, he was very satisfied and remarked, "Japanese r
ice cakes are really delicious. Why can't our cooks make them this way? The
aroma of the mugwort is also very nice."
From 1989 through 1991 I was invited often to Kim Jong Il's official residen
ce. There he kept a very large liquor cellar. Famous liquor brands from arou
nd the world were lined up, maybe about 10,000 bottles in all.
At the time, Kim Jong Il drank Johnnie Walker Swing for whiskey and Hennessy
XO for cognac.
The liquor cellar also had a karaoke set, a piano, and a round table that co
uld seat fifteen or sixteen people. There, I remember, we often sang togethe
r the Japanese song "The Bride in Seto."
One day in March of 2001 I was having a drink on my balcony, looking at the
ocean. I was thinking, Oh, at the other end of this ocean is Japan; I wonder
when I'll be able to go back next. But I told myself that I just had to be
And then, at that moment, I remembered that my sister had dubbed several doz
en of her more interesting videos of Japanese TV shows for me. Among them wa
s a tape of a cooking program called The "Which Dish?" Show. I recalled that
an exceedingly tasty-looking sea-urchin dish was featured on the show, and
thought that I should show it to Kim Jong Il. I knew that he was very fond o
f sea urchin, and that once he saw the show, he would want to try the dish.
That would be my chance. I would just have to suggest, "Shall I go to Hokkai
do to buy sea urchins for you?"
I took the videotape to Kim Jong Il. Lo and behold, when he saw the sea-urch
in dish, he exclaimed, "Wow, that looks really good!" Without missing a beat
I made my pitch: "I will go to Rishiri Island, in Hokkaido, and buy some se
a urchin. And I will reproduce the dish you just saw on this show."
Kim Jong Il replied, "That's a great idea. Go for it!"
Translated from the Japanese by Makiko Kitamura


【在 p****y 的大作中提到】
: 金正日的日本廚師藤本健二出版過《我是金正日的廚師》、《金正日的私生活》兩本書
: ,書中披露金正日的奢侈生活,他在北韓全國各地擁有幾十家專用招待所;他也愛美食
: ,藤本常出國去許多國家為他尋找美食。
: 外電節錄一段中,金正日晚上都接受專以歌舞取悅他的性服務,要求這些歌舞女郎全身
: 脫光跳舞,或是陪一些高幹、大將跳舞,但他規定可以共舞,不能觸摸女郎的肉體。
: 當中又爆,金正日喜歡吃壽司,更在觀看壽司製作的短片後,叫藤本健二特地出海去找
: 尋當中的海鮮以製作同一菜式。
: 金正日的原配夫人是洪一茜;之後金正日愛上北韓當時最性感的電影明星——成蕙琳,
: 但遭到父親金日成反對,不能作為金正日夫人公開露面;之後又娶了第3任金英淑及第4
: 任夫人高英姬。南韓媒體還踢爆,已高齡70歲的他在一年多年秘密迎娶第5房——金玉,

发帖数: 27852

【在 y*******n 的大作中提到】
: TG支持的就是这号人渣。
发帖数: 3022


【在 p****y 的大作中提到】
: 金正日的日本廚師藤本健二出版過《我是金正日的廚師》、《金正日的私生活》兩本書
: ,書中披露金正日的奢侈生活,他在北韓全國各地擁有幾十家專用招待所;他也愛美食
: ,藤本常出國去許多國家為他尋找美食。
: 外電節錄一段中,金正日晚上都接受專以歌舞取悅他的性服務,要求這些歌舞女郎全身
: 脫光跳舞,或是陪一些高幹、大將跳舞,但他規定可以共舞,不能觸摸女郎的肉體。
: 當中又爆,金正日喜歡吃壽司,更在觀看壽司製作的短片後,叫藤本健二特地出海去找
: 尋當中的海鮮以製作同一菜式。
: 金正日的原配夫人是洪一茜;之後金正日愛上北韓當時最性感的電影明星——成蕙琳,
: 但遭到父親金日成反對,不能作為金正日夫人公開露面;之後又娶了第3任金英淑及第4
: 任夫人高英姬。南韓媒體還踢爆,已高齡70歲的他在一年多年秘密迎娶第5房——金玉,

发帖数: 13337

【在 p****y 的大作中提到】
: 金正日的日本廚師藤本健二出版過《我是金正日的廚師》、《金正日的私生活》兩本書
: ,書中披露金正日的奢侈生活,他在北韓全國各地擁有幾十家專用招待所;他也愛美食
: ,藤本常出國去許多國家為他尋找美食。
: 外電節錄一段中,金正日晚上都接受專以歌舞取悅他的性服務,要求這些歌舞女郎全身
: 脫光跳舞,或是陪一些高幹、大將跳舞,但他規定可以共舞,不能觸摸女郎的肉體。
: 當中又爆,金正日喜歡吃壽司,更在觀看壽司製作的短片後,叫藤本健二特地出海去找
: 尋當中的海鮮以製作同一菜式。
: 金正日的原配夫人是洪一茜;之後金正日愛上北韓當時最性感的電影明星——成蕙琳,
: 但遭到父親金日成反對,不能作為金正日夫人公開露面;之後又娶了第3任金英淑及第4
: 任夫人高英姬。南韓媒體還踢爆,已高齡70歲的他在一年多年秘密迎娶第5房——金玉,

发帖数: 5027

【在 m********c 的大作中提到】
: 有时候也觉得挺搞笑的。
: 日本人写的就是爱吃寿司、法国人写的就爱吃蜗牛、德国人写的就爱喝啤酒、美国人写
: 的就爱看NBA、西班牙人写的就爱吃牛排、中国人写的就爱吃鲍鱼鱼翅海参。

发帖数: 4225


【在 p****y 的大作中提到】
: 金正日的日本廚師藤本健二出版過《我是金正日的廚師》、《金正日的私生活》兩本書
: ,書中披露金正日的奢侈生活,他在北韓全國各地擁有幾十家專用招待所;他也愛美食
: ,藤本常出國去許多國家為他尋找美食。
: 外電節錄一段中,金正日晚上都接受專以歌舞取悅他的性服務,要求這些歌舞女郎全身
: 脫光跳舞,或是陪一些高幹、大將跳舞,但他規定可以共舞,不能觸摸女郎的肉體。
: 當中又爆,金正日喜歡吃壽司,更在觀看壽司製作的短片後,叫藤本健二特地出海去找
: 尋當中的海鮮以製作同一菜式。
: 金正日的原配夫人是洪一茜;之後金正日愛上北韓當時最性感的電影明星——成蕙琳,
: 但遭到父親金日成反對,不能作為金正日夫人公開露面;之後又娶了第3任金英淑及第4
: 任夫人高英姬。南韓媒體還踢爆,已高齡70歲的他在一年多年秘密迎娶第5房——金玉,

发帖数: 22013

【在 m********c 的大作中提到】
: 有时候也觉得挺搞笑的。
: 日本人写的就是爱吃寿司、法国人写的就爱吃蜗牛、德国人写的就爱喝啤酒、美国人写
: 的就爱看NBA、西班牙人写的就爱吃牛排、中国人写的就爱吃鲍鱼鱼翅海参。

发帖数: 13337

【在 k*****e 的大作中提到】
: 你还看过这么多版本的金正日厨师传记啊?
: 法国的,德国的,美国的,西班牙的,中国的,你都找来看看?

A Nobel Vision of a Better China (转载)google事件,中国应该效法政治最正确的朝鲜
诺贝尔奖背后的政治 (转载)China Today Says It Wants to See N Korea Incoporated Into South
从雅典到北京 今年属于中国美国1960-1963的机密情报档案也证实三年自然灾害并未大规模饿死人
发帖数: 5027

【在 m********c 的大作中提到】
: 了解世界各国记者都喜爱什么美食啊。
发帖数: 4394

【在 m********c 的大作中提到】
: 有时候也觉得挺搞笑的。
: 日本人写的就是爱吃寿司、法国人写的就爱吃蜗牛、德国人写的就爱喝啤酒、美国人写
: 的就爱看NBA、西班牙人写的就爱吃牛排、中国人写的就爱吃鲍鱼鱼翅海参。

发帖数: 5027

【在 w***s 的大作中提到】
: 没听说过韩国的寿司?寿司本来就是韩国菜的一部分,无知就别出来现了。
发帖数: 4394

【在 n***g 的大作中提到】
: 那个五毛还把共匪比较父母呢,真是恶心死人不偿命啊
发帖数: 3022


【在 m********c 的大作中提到】
: 有时候也觉得挺搞笑的。
: 日本人写的就是爱吃寿司、法国人写的就爱吃蜗牛、德国人写的就爱喝啤酒、美国人写
: 的就爱看NBA、西班牙人写的就爱吃牛排、中国人写的就爱吃鲍鱼鱼翅海参。

发帖数: 13337

【在 n***g 的大作中提到】
: 你党妈喜欢什么美食啊?
发帖数: 13337

【在 w***s 的大作中提到】
: 没听说过韩国的寿司?寿司本来就是韩国菜的一部分,无知就别出来现了。
发帖数: 13337

【在 x******i 的大作中提到】
: 说不定金正日有好几个厨师。

发帖数: 4394

【在 m********c 的大作中提到】
: 辣白菜还是韩国人的当家菜呢。
发帖数: 13337

【在 w***s 的大作中提到】
: 这个跟朝鲜人爱吃寿司有什么矛盾吗?没话找话也赚5毛?
1 (共1页)
南北韓相互砲轟 2死20傷金正日英文是"Kim Jong Il"?
韩战真相A Nobel Vision of a Better China (转载)
美情报机构:金正恩比其父更难捉摸诺贝尔奖背后的政治 (转载)
North Korea Releases New Photos III从雅典到北京 今年属于中国
【NYT】China Moves to Ensure Stability in North Korea(EDWAgoogle事件,中国应该效法政治最正确的朝鲜
unidentified_titleChina Today Says It Wants to See N Korea Incoporated Into South
朝鲜变局中的12位关键朝鲜人(虾蟹英文写作) (转载)美国1960-1963的机密情报档案也证实三年自然灾害并未大规模饿死人
Kim Jong-il won't visit China in April骗子Math1978又SB了
话题: kim话题: il话题: jong话题: he话题: japanese