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ChinaNews版 - 中国买了个GM的汽车配件厂, 洋彪子又疯了. (转载)
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话题: chinese话题: nexteer话题: gm话题: owners话题: motors
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2547
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: southparkcow (southparkcow), 信区: Military
标 题: 中国买了个GM的汽车配件厂, 洋彪子又疯了.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 10 01:35:29 2010, 美东)
弄了个这个破东西都意见这么大, 唉.
In the weeks ahead, a 104-year-old unit of General Motors will be sold to
new owners from China. The unit made steering equipment for decades under
the name Saginaw Steering Gear. Now known as Nexteer, it employs 8,300
people around the world. Its new Beijing owners call themselves Pacific
Century Motors.
Nexteer was in bad straits in recent years. It has been starved for capital.
Its customers—other car companies—preferred it to be independent and not
a part of GM.
"Did it really need to be sold to the Chinese?" asks Roger Kahn, a Michigan
state senator from Saginaw. "I want to see businesses successful in the U.S.
owned in the U.S. This doesn't meet the standard."
"I'm sure there are a lot of people who are not happy they're Chinese-owned,
" says Scott Somers, who runs Mid-States Bolt & Screw just down the road
from Nexteer, which is a customer. "But at this point it seems to be a
positive thing. Lots of businesses are involved with that complex and depend
on it for their livelihood."
The feeling is more begrudging for the workers inside the company. One, who
called the Chinese "commies," complained to a union official that the U.S.
flag and a P.O.W.-M.I.A. memorial flag were taken down when Chinese
officials visited recently. A company spokesman said he had no knowledge of
any flags being taken down.
And while they like the stability of new owners, "everyone is concerned
about long-term viability," said one United Auto Workers official who asked
not to be named. The union recently took a pay cut ahead of the transaction.
"We don't know whether the intention is to buy the book of business and
move to China or stay here. We do not feel comfortable."
1 (共1页)
Breaking News: GM to sell Hummer to Chinese, source says (转载)韩寒粉丝这下傻眼了
中国买了个GM的汽车配件厂, 洋彪子又疯了.资本主义制度抑制消费
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China's Factories Look to Revamp Business Models重申:小将鄙视5毛和美分党
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Top 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America菲律賓事件與小將 (转载)
话题: chinese话题: nexteer话题: gm话题: owners话题: motors