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ChinaNews版 - Hillary
日本居然软蛋了,不审了,放人了鸠山现身世博会 日民间关心淡薄
日媒高度关注中国动车事故WK!这个刑事犯罪率统计吓死我了 :)
日本外相要求中国政府清除教科书中反日内容特大喜讯:刘晓波获得诺贝尔和平奖 (转载)
我看钓鱼岛问题的症结刘晓波 & 法治与民主:中国从亚洲经验中吸取的教训 (转载)
对比5.1.1和6的地图对钓鱼岛的变化 (转载)江平与(满洲国内阁大臣爱新觉罗)川岛志明;沈傲君 的庆功宴 (转载)
关注一下这个吧,中国粮食产量数据可能虚报一亿吨之多 (转载)敏感词代表战争而非和平zz
美联社: 西弗吉尼亚矿难员工家属情绪稳定歡迎胡考的國宴名單
话题: japan话题: china话题: clinton话题: secretary话题: voa
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
(1) 伍德瑟姆, 美中关系将是克林顿亚洲之行重点. VOA Chinese, Oct. 27, 2010.
My comment:
(a) Until days ago, Hillary's itinerary does not include China, which was
added in the last minute--and to Hainan to meet only with 戴秉国, China's
foreign policy czar but not in the politburo. Sentence 2 of the quote says
it all.
(b) The above is translated from
Kate Woodsome, US-China Relations Color Clinton Trip to Asia. VOA, Oct. 27,
(i) A related report:
China Issues to Dominate Clinton's Asia Tour. VOA, Oct. 27, 2010.
(2) 美国和日本呼吁开发新的稀土来源. VOA Chinese, Oct. 28, 2010.
, which is abbreviated from
US, Japan Call for New Sources of Rare Earth Minerals. VOA, Oct. 28, 2010.
("The United States and Japan say they agree that 'the entire world' must
begin to develop new sources of rare earth minerals after receiving a 'wake-
up call' from China")
My comment:
(a) Save for the quote, there is no need to read either in (2).
(b) Joint Press Availability with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Kahala Hotel and Resort
Honolulu, HI
October 27, 2010
"QUESTION: (Via interpreter) (Inaudible) Deguchi [surname: 出口] with Kyodo
News Service. First a question for Secretary Clinton, and this is about
security. Recently – this is about Senkaku Islands, which has (inaudible)
spat between Japan and China. And I wonder if the security treaty between
Japan and the United States will be applied.
"SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, first let me say clearly again that the Senkakus
fall within the scope of Article 5 of the 1960 U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual
Cooperation and Security. This is part of the larger commitment that the
United States has made to Japan’s security. We consider the Japanese-U.S.
alliance one of the most important alliance partnerships we have anywhere in
the world and we are committed to our obligations to protect the Japanese
"QUESTION [Mark Landler, New York Times]: * * * And then lastly, the
decision to add Hainan – you know I always ask three. (Laughter.) The
decision to add Hainan Island at the last minute to your itinerary, do you
worry at all that it risks sending a signal of acquiescence on the U.S. side
that you’re going to meet the Chinese on their turf at their request? Is
that the kind of signal that’s appropriate to send at a time like this?
"SECRETARY CLINTON: * * *With respect to the dialogue with State Councilor
Dai Bingguo, we have an ongoing dialogue and there was an opportunity for us
to meet in preparation for President Hu Jintao’s visit which is going to
occur in January, which is not very far from now, and therefore there is a
lot of work that has to be done. We have a long list of issues to discuss.
The information Arshad gave me about the statement from the Chinese
Government today on rare earth minerals may shorten that discussion, but
there is a lot to talk about in preparation for a state visit by President
Hu Jintao.
"FOREIGN MINISTER MAEHARA: (Via interpreter) There was a question about the
Senkaku Islands and rare earth minerals. As I have been saying, Senkaku
Islands, in terms of history and international law, are inherent territory
of Japan and have – we have had (inaudible) control over the islands and
will continue to do so.
"[Maehara continues] Today, Secretary Clinton repeated that the Senkaku
Islands would fall within the scope of the application of Article 5 of the
bilateral security treaty. That was very encouraging. But of course, in the
first instance, I think it is important for a country to defend its
territory by itself. But through Japan-U.S. cooperation, not just in the
interest of Japan’s security but for the region’s security, we shall
continue to make our efforts. Today, we discussed that (inaudible)
cautiously but closely cooperate on security situation in the region and we
confirmed this, so we look forward to continuing to do so in the days ahead
as well.
"[Maehara continues] Now, Japan-China relations. Of course, Japan and China
are neighbors and neither of the neighbors can move elsewhere. In fact,
Japan and China became equals in terms of GDP. We are both number two
economic powers in the world.
1 (共1页)
歡迎胡考的國宴名單对比5.1.1和6的地图对钓鱼岛的变化 (转载)
希拉里称中国影响力无时无处不在关注一下这个吧,中国粮食产量数据可能虚报一亿吨之多 (转载)
印尼鸽航一新舟60飞机坠毁 已找到15具尸体 (转载)美联社: 西弗吉尼亚矿难员工家属情绪稳定
日本居然软蛋了,不审了,放人了鸠山现身世博会 日民间关心淡薄
日媒高度关注中国动车事故WK!这个刑事犯罪率统计吓死我了 :)
日本外相要求中国政府清除教科书中反日内容特大喜讯:刘晓波获得诺贝尔和平奖 (转载)
我看钓鱼岛问题的症结刘晓波 & 法治与民主:中国从亚洲经验中吸取的教训 (转载)
话题: japan话题: china话题: clinton话题: secretary话题: voa