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Chicago版 - 希拉里将要接收的穆斯林不是一百万,而是八百万! (转载)
希拉里宣布当选后将安排百万穆斯林移民来美国版主~~~~~~~~~威武 ~~~~~~~~~
无脸见三粉,希拉里三德子取消共同拉励 (转载)寻找华人房地产代理人
看窗外芝加哥大学校园。非法移民家庭享受联邦福利高于本土美国家庭 (转载)
:( 天好热,好难找到学习的地方啊。。ZZ新移民联合会(NIU)向国会,总统发出的公开信
i think president hu is visiting me....Info on Chicago, funny
long weekend~~~~~这个请愿信发送已经超过6千了- VISA Recapture and others。 (转载)
话题: clinton话题: america话题: our话题: million
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发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 希拉里将要接收的穆斯林不是一百万,而是八百万!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 29 11:10:39 2016, 美东)
August 29, 2016
Some things in life are complicated. This isn’t one of them.
By Carol Brown
The Center for Immigrations Studies (CIS) has released an estimate of the
number of Muslim “immigrants” we can expect in the first term of a Clinton
presidency. Wanna take a guess at the number?
About a million.
And that’s just the beginning. It gets worse. Much worse.
Consider this: once they’ve arrived at our shores, our new little friends
from Islamic lands can bring family members to join them, which means that
for every one initially admitted, eight more may be brought over.
Then you’ve got high birth rates to factor in, whereby Muslims propagate at
a rate that surpasses most, if not all, demographic groups in America.
So that cool million swells to millions and millions in a few short years.
And that’s on top of the numbers who are already here. We’re not starting
at zero.
When looking more broadly at immigration trends under a Clinton presidency,
CIS paints another bleak picture: 10 million immigrants in Clinton’s first
term. And that doesn’t include the amnesty she wants to give to the at
least 11 million who are already here illegally, primarily from Mexico and
Central America. (To read more about this utterly depressing but important
analysis, see here.)
Not only does massive immigration dilute our culture, but it ensures that
the left will retain power indefinitely.
And as long as we’re talking about immigration, including Muslim
immigration (aka colonization), how long does anyone think it will be before
a president Clinton would decide that we need a wise Muslima sitting on the
Supreme Court? When that happens, creeping sharia will take an enormous
leap forward as our nation takes another crushing blow backward.
The issue of immigration is so enormous that it could rightfully be the
central driving force behind how one votes in this election.
Some things in life are complicated. How to vote in this election isn’t.
Let’s not mess this up. If Hillary Clinton is elected, we may never gain
control of the White House again. She will ensure that via immigration
alone (the progressive’s hijra), Democrats will be assured of power in
This election may be our last best chance to begin the process of reversing
the fundamental transformation of America.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/08/some_things_in_life_are_complicated_this_isnt_one_of_them.html#ixzz4IjaP7Yi2
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1 (共1页)
这个请愿信发送已经超过6千了- VISA Recapture and others。 (转载)先睹为快
有要考虑办NIW或是EB1类绿卡的吗?想找人交流材料准备心得i think president hu is visiting me....
Walter Payton 的学生太幸福了President‧朴槿惠
Clinton小学的围棋字母(图)long weekend~~~~~
希拉里宣布当选后将安排百万穆斯林移民来美国版主~~~~~~~~~威武 ~~~~~~~~~
无脸见三粉,希拉里三德子取消共同拉励 (转载)寻找华人房地产代理人
看窗外芝加哥大学校园。非法移民家庭享受联邦福利高于本土美国家庭 (转载)
:( 天好热,好难找到学习的地方啊。。ZZ新移民联合会(NIU)向国会,总统发出的公开信
话题: clinton话题: america话题: our话题: million