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Chicago版 - 大家当心今年的流感
芝加哥妇科中医推荐星期二星期三有父母来美国/回中国的同学注意了 (转载)
[版务] 关于版面置顶的试行管理方法听说以前发轩的Norris自己出来开店?
Any good Chinese restaurant in Chicago?美国企业研发岗位迅速流向亚洲
Ill enters a state of insolvency(ZZ)医疗保险的问题应该去哪个版块问?
芝加哥albany park地区可推荐的OB有哪些 ?Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs
il school rank 2009灾害天气又来了。。。
看红叶的同学们Paid MRI Research Opportunity ($75) for Healthy Adolescents without Mental Illnesses
Info on Chicago, funny奔个162bpm的电吉他快歌 - Beethoven Virus (转载)
话题: influenza话题: ph1n1话题: cdc话题: illness话题: virus
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 435
From November through December 2013, CDC has received a number of reports of
severe respiratory illness among young and middle-aged adults, many of whom
were infected with influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 (pH1N1) virus. Multiple pH1N1-
associated hospitalizations, including many requiring intensive care unit (
ICU) admission, and some fatalities have been reported. The pH1N1 virus that
emerged in 2009 caused more illness in children and young adults, compared
to older adults, although severe illness was seen in all age groups. While
it is not possible to predict which influenza viruses will predominate
during the entire 2013-14 influenza season, pH1N1 has been the predominant
circulating virus so far. For the 2013-14 season, if pH1N1 virus continues
to circulate widely, illness that disproportionately affects young and
middle-aged adults may occur.
Seasonal influenza contributes to substantial morbidity and mortality each
year in the United States. In the 2012-13 influenza season, CDC estimates
that there were approximately 380,000 influenza-associated hospitalizations
[1]. Although influenza activity nationally is currently at low levels, some
areas of the United States are already experiencing high activity, and
influenza activity is expected to increase during the next few weeks.
The spectrum of illness observed thus far in the 2013-14 season has ranged
from mild to severe and is consistent with that of other influenza seasons.
While CDC has not detected any significant changes in pH1N1 viruses that
would suggest increased virulence or transmissibility, the agency is
continuing to monitor for antigenic and genetic changes in circulating
viruses, as well as watching morbidity and mortality surveillance systems
that might indicate increased severity from pH1N1 virus infection. In
addition, CDC is actively collaborating with state and local health
departments in investigation and control efforts.
发帖数: 435
Wash hands with non-antimicrobial soap and water or with antimicrobial soap
and water if contact with spores (e.g., C. difficile or Bacillus anthracis)
is likely to have occurred. The physical action of washing and rinsing
hands under such circumstances is recommended because alcohols,
chlorhexidine, iodophors, and other antiseptic agents have poor activity
against spores [559, 956, 983]. Category II
IV.A.2. When hands are visibly dirty, contaminated with proteinaceous
material, or visibly soiled with blood or body fluids, wash hands with
either a nonantimicrobial soap and water or an antimicrobial soap and water
[559]. Category IA
IV.A.3. If hands are not visibly soiled, or after removing visible material
with nonantimicrobial soap and water, decontaminate hands in the clinical
situations described in IV.A.2.a-f. The preferred method of hand
decontamination is with an alcohol-based hand rub 562, 978. Alternatively,
hands may be washed with an antimicrobial soap and water. Frequent use of
alcohol-based hand rub immediately following handwashing with
nonantimicrobial soap may increase the frequency of dermatitis 559. Category
IB Perform hand hygiene:
1 (共1页)
奔个162bpm的电吉他快歌 - Beethoven Virus (转载)芝加哥albany park地区可推荐的OB有哪些 ?
East Chicago有人吗?il school rank 2009
CTA 明天开始新开的一条线:192 U. of Chicago Hospitals Express看红叶的同学们
关于paintball的一个问题,大家指点Info on Chicago, funny
芝加哥妇科中医推荐星期二星期三有父母来美国/回中国的同学注意了 (转载)
[版务] 关于版面置顶的试行管理方法听说以前发轩的Norris自己出来开店?
Any good Chinese restaurant in Chicago?美国企业研发岗位迅速流向亚洲
Ill enters a state of insolvency(ZZ)医疗保险的问题应该去哪个版块问?
话题: influenza话题: ph1n1话题: cdc话题: illness话题: virus