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Chicago版 - Is this your husband or bf?
大飞这两天在搞啥Bombed by IndianS by the last one hour and 13 mins
住LINCOLN PARK来报名领包子If we can
新人 咨询Schaumburg租房Are You A Gentleman?
【星座你我他】My viewdiscount tire coupon for sale
鬼节活见鬼了!色鬼 (转载)indiana 核事故,到底咋回事?
如果你可以隐型24小时,你会做什么?CPS 周一继续上课
话题: he话题: his话题: number话题: me话题: university
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 354
There is a guy using pie bridge to contact other ladies and meet them in
person at different cities. He called me twice and only show" private number
" on my cell each time. I start feeling a littlebit strange. He has planed
to meet me in peson but still hide his number. It does not make sense. He
call me only when he is in the office at night. I asked him about his phone
number for convenience of meeting a person you never seen before. He used
all kinds of excuses not telling me his number.
Later on, I found other information he told me the first time and second
time not the same. Like, he said that he graduated from Duke University over
the phone. Then he changed to one of Ivy colleage university. Couple days
later, He said that he got this PhD from university of texas.
He came from jiangsu province and graduated from Tsing hua, and working for
a finance firm in chicago. 35 yrs old and 1.71 cm. He has these basic
informations in his post at pie bridge.I do not know if they are true or not.
If you doubt this is your husband or bf, I can verified for you since i saw
his face before.
I am doing this only because i feel DEEPLY sorry for a lady staying with
this kind of man without knowing what is happening.
发帖数: 4216
发帖数: 1989
ask msn. Track down with IP address?!
Or meet him in person and take down his car's license?!
Or take his name on the credit card at dinner?!
Or ...


【在 M********t 的大作中提到】
: There is a guy using pie bridge to contact other ladies and meet them in
: person at different cities. He called me twice and only show" private number
: " on my cell each time. I start feeling a littlebit strange. He has planed
: to meet me in peson but still hide his number. It does not make sense. He
: call me only when he is in the office at night. I asked him about his phone
: number for convenience of meeting a person you never seen before. He used
: all kinds of excuses not telling me his number.
: Later on, I found other information he told me the first time and second
: time not the same. Like, he said that he graduated from Duke University over
: the phone. Then he changed to one of Ivy colleage university. Couple days

发帖数: 2437
这个男的真土,连google voice都不知道。
发帖数: 1358
1.71cm, u mean his penis?
发帖数: 2436
From Jiangsu, 35 yr old male, from Tsinghua. About 50 people in the world
match that profile. Live in Chicago? I guess there is probably only one
person and easy to Ren Rou.
1 (共1页)
CPS 周一继续上课【星座你我他】My view
uiuc一个亚裔小孩放假回家,居然在OHare机场失踪了 (转载)招募去夏威夷旅游的驴友啦,Oahu+Maui,1月初
芝加哥附近,或者北郊附近的中国医生鬼节活见鬼了!色鬼 (转载)
[合集] UChicago校内住房如果你可以隐型24小时,你会做什么?
大飞这两天在搞啥Bombed by IndianS by the last one hour and 13 mins
住LINCOLN PARK来报名领包子If we can
新人 咨询Schaumburg租房Are You A Gentleman?
话题: he话题: his话题: number话题: me话题: university