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Chess版 - computer chinesechess world championship 2004
the strongest chinese chess software is releasedchess BM
Breaking news: Topalov vs Kramnik confirmed[转载] 谢军致国际象棋界一封公开信(中文译文)
Chess software国际象棋智商测验
who has new version for xqlearner?Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against Real Players
how good is xqlearner?Re: Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against
[公告] Chess 板的投票结果Strongest Chinese Chess Software
Re: close board annoucementtoday is a good day.
ICCS是open source的吗?来个bbs的比赛如何?
话题: software话题: chess话题: xxm话题: computer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 253
发帖数: 102
Is this the progam that you used to play with others?
I could beat it easily if I use xqlearner.

【在 x*****i 的大作中提到】
: is born!!!
: http://www.chessgm.com

发帖数: 253
if u say xqlearnern beat it easily? u dunno
what ur talking abt.. xqlearner..
weaker than ZMBL and shiga and ELP.. how could you
even mention it with xxm in the same sentense? if
u mean the lower version or trial version of xxm,
i forgive you.
next time, if you state something to mislead others,
you will be banned.
(note, I posted the url to validate my statement)
remember one thing.. annual computer chess match
is the most reliable way to meature the software
strength.. in this case.

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: Is this the progam that you used to play with others?
: I could beat it easily if I use xqlearner.

发帖数: 102
You do not even know what I was talking about. The strength of a chess
software depend how do you train it, how do you choose the openning and ending
databases and the computer that you used etc. Even you bought the same
software as others, it does not mean you would not lose to other people who
bought the same program.
I donot get the point that you were talking? are you playing slow game in
huashang in movesky by using the software? do not forget most of the top
players there are using xqlearn

【在 x*****i 的大作中提到】
: if u say xqlearnern beat it easily? u dunno
: what ur talking abt.. xqlearner..
: weaker than ZMBL and shiga and ELP.. how could you
: even mention it with xxm in the same sentense? if
: u mean the lower version or trial version of xxm,
: i forgive you.
: ****
: next time, if you state something to mislead others,
: you will be banned.
: ****

发帖数: 253
you seems have no _slightest_ idea about chess software...
"the strength of a chess software depend how do you train it"?
this is the most stupid thing i ever heard.
all chess softwares can load up same opening and endgame databases.
this is _NOT_ the strength of a software.
to value its strength is to value the algorithm design(aka
the efficiency of backtracking). of cuz it has something to
do with computer's processor speed. in international matches,
the standard is P4 2.8 though.
a lot of peo

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: You do not even know what I was talking about. The strength of a chess
: software depend how do you train it, how do you choose the openning and ending
: databases and the computer that you used etc. Even you bought the same
: software as others, it does not mean you would not lose to other people who
: bought the same program.
: I donot get the point that you were talking? are you playing slow game in
: huashang in movesky by using the software? do not forget most of the top
: players there are using xqlearn

发帖数: 253
ps. of cuz you were misleading others.. "beat xx easily"..
where is the source?
record of your game?
line analysis?
what setup? depth? s/move?
what versions? etc etc.
why don't you spend few minutes reading the websites first:
i hope it helps you better understand the history and current
of chess software development.

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: You do not even know what I was talking about. The strength of a chess
: software depend how do you train it, how do you choose the openning and ending
: databases and the computer that you used etc. Even you bought the same
: software as others, it does not mean you would not lose to other people who
: bought the same program.
: I donot get the point that you were talking? are you playing slow game in
: huashang in movesky by using the software? do not forget most of the top
: players there are using xqlearn

发帖数: 102
Calm down. no one says your program is not good. Suppose your program is the
champ, it is strong. so what? I can easily beat it. Looks like you have no
idea about how those top players played in movesky. Apparently you are not one
of them. Can you read chinese? look through the posters in their forum before
you defend your program.
BTW. It is not wise to sell your software by attacking other people. I did not
see anyone else geting so excited as you did in this board, not mention you
have stayed

【在 x*****i 的大作中提到】
: you seems have no _slightest_ idea about chess software...
: "the strength of a chess software depend how do you train it"?
: this is the most stupid thing i ever heard.
: all chess softwares can load up same opening and endgame databases.
: this is _NOT_ the strength of a software.
: to value its strength is to value the algorithm design(aka
: the efficiency of backtracking). of cuz it has something to
: do with computer's processor speed. in international matches,
: the standard is P4 2.8 though.
: a lot of peo

发帖数: 253
haha, please do not make up stuff when you argue with people:
1) i am not the author of xxm. so don't say "your software":)
2) i have *great* idea how people play movesky:) in fact i wrote
the first unix-based auto connector and Wu (the author of MRSJ)
enhanced it:)
boy.. when MRSJ/XXM and ELP run amok in movesky.. you probably
had no idea what that site was yet..
3) feel being attacked? i am sorry. you just should not have foolishly
said "xqlearner beat xxm easily"..
again.. inst

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: Calm down. no one says your program is not good. Suppose your program is the
: champ, it is strong. so what? I can easily beat it. Looks like you have no
: idea about how those top players played in movesky. Apparently you are not one
: of them. Can you read chinese? look through the posters in their forum before
: you defend your program.
: BTW. It is not wise to sell your software by attacking other people. I did not
: see anyone else geting so excited as you did in this board, not mention you
: have stayed

发帖数: 102
again, you did not understand what I said before you argued. What I said is
that I could beat xiexie easily by using xqlearner, not the way that you
thought to use robot. Look back to previous posters before you talk more,even
for a self-claimed guru. Only stupid people to use robots there except some
authors to do test for their programs.


【在 x*****i 的大作中提到】
: haha, please do not make up stuff when you argue with people:
: 1) i am not the author of xxm. so don't say "your software":)
: 2) i have *great* idea how people play movesky:) in fact i wrote
: the first unix-based auto connector and Wu (the author of MRSJ)
: enhanced it:)
: boy.. when MRSJ/XXM and ELP run amok in movesky.. you probably
: had no idea what that site was yet..
: 3) feel being attacked? i am sorry. you just should not have foolishly
: said "xqlearner beat xxm easily"..
: again.. inst

发帖数: 253
wtf do you mean by beating a software using
another software? i told you, xx's AI strength
is higher than xql's, and this is proved in international
matches.. don't you get it??
ur logic is that u mixed the human intelligence and
software against another software without any aid.
and that's why u made such a big joke saying "software
strength depends on how you train it"
do i need to teach you what *fair comparison* is?
same environment, same speed pcs, same seconds/move,
same hard-coded datab

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: again, you did not understand what I said before you argued. What I said is
: that I could beat xiexie easily by using xqlearner, not the way that you
: thought to use robot. Look back to previous posters before you talk more,even
: for a self-claimed guru. Only stupid people to use robots there except some
: authors to do test for their programs.
: choose
: the
: one
: before

[公告] Chess 板的投票结果chess BM
Re: close board annoucement[转载] 谢军致国际象棋界一封公开信(中文译文)
ICCS是open source的吗?国际象棋智商测验
发帖数: 102
are you kidding? are all chess program using same machine to play? you said
the strongest MRSJ use HP supercomputer while others program use PC, that is
the way how your ranking the program? give me a break. Man. When I said to
train a program, I mean to give the right openning, endgame databaes, even the
whole game database. You are totally messing up.


【在 x*****i 的大作中提到】
: wtf do you mean by beating a software using
: another software? i told you, xx's AI strength
: is higher than xql's, and this is proved in international
: matches.. don't you get it??
: ur logic is that u mixed the human intelligence and
: software against another software without any aid.
: and that's why u made such a big joke saying "software
: strength depends on how you train it"
: do i need to teach you what *fair comparison* is?
: same environment, same speed pcs, same seconds/move,

发帖数: 253
geez.. u made urself look like an ass:) i thought u at least had
some basic IQs.. so how the heck do you compare two AIs? huh???
of cuz on same speed machines.. read my posts carefully.. i told
u the standards of the PCs that the tournaments used.. and that's
why MRSJ is *disqualified* because it requires accelarations.
btw.. i am being fair here and showed respect to MRSJ ok? but
xql was eliminated in international events not only once. while
xxm, zmbl and shiga etc won several medals.. god..

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: are you kidding? are all chess program using same machine to play? you said
: the strongest MRSJ use HP supercomputer while others program use PC, that is
: the way how your ranking the program? give me a break. Man. When I said to
: train a program, I mean to give the right openning, endgame databaes, even the
: whole game database. You are totally messing up.
: is
: more,even
: some
: should

发帖数: 102
who the f*k to start to arque which AI is better? who cares. As long as I like
the program, I buy it. that is all. You buy yours, I buy mine. all right? your
guru stay where you are.


【在 x*****i 的大作中提到】
: geez.. u made urself look like an ass:) i thought u at least had
: some basic IQs.. so how the heck do you compare two AIs? huh???
: of cuz on same speed machines.. read my posts carefully.. i told
: u the standards of the PCs that the tournaments used.. and that's
: why MRSJ is *disqualified* because it requires accelarations.
: btw.. i am being fair here and showed respect to MRSJ ok? but
: xql was eliminated in international events not only once. while
: xxm, zmbl and shiga etc won several medals.. god..
: i

发帖数: 253
i thought u cared:) anyways.. i was trying to help you and
did not mean to upset u.. after all u r not shao jinlei
but just a customer of him..
shao is a smart guy.. no question.. but failure in international
event hurts.. and he did not seem motivated to keep up the
development.. sad story..

【在 d****n 的大作中提到】
: who the f*k to start to arque which AI is better? who cares. As long as I like
: the program, I buy it. that is all. You buy yours, I buy mine. all right? your
: guru stay where you are.
: said
: is
: the

发帖数: 423

1 (共1页)
来个bbs的比赛如何?how good is xqlearner?
chinese chess tourment[公告] Chess 板的投票结果
Online Xiangqi website?Re: close board annoucement
anywone play chess with me?ICCS是open source的吗?
the strongest chinese chess software is releasedchess BM
Breaking news: Topalov vs Kramnik confirmed[转载] 谢军致国际象棋界一封公开信(中文译文)
Chess software国际象棋智商测验
who has new version for xqlearner?Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against Real Players
话题: software话题: chess话题: xxm话题: computer