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Chemistry版 - Tri-State CACS Annual Symposium with job fair/career consultation this Saturday at Rutgers
Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center请人做HPLC的校正维护
Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now要买HPLC,请问哪个公司的好?Waters or PerkinElmer or Varian. Another one else.Thanks
For those interested in career opportunities有谁知道,HPLC, waters and shimadzu哪个好点
Job Oppotunities in China实验室要换HPLC, 有啥推荐的,多谢!
Suggesions on GCMS and open position for a GCMS analyst哪位xdjm有Lab Solution software 的用户手册。
Quadrupole TOF MS有啥特别的吗?北美华人化工化学协会秋季picnic暨student poster competition(转载)
Open position at Boston area for Bioanalytical Scientist第15届华美化学与化工学会
话题: symposium话题: saturday话题: state话题: cacs话题: tri
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1821
You are cordially invited to attend the 2014 Tri-State CACS Annual Symposium
this Saturday at Rutgers Busch Campus Center.
What: 2014 Tri-State CACS Annual Symposium
When: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm on Saturday, June 28, 2014
Where: Busch Campus Center, Rutgers University
604 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
For driving directions: https://www.google.com/maps/place/604+Bartholomew+Rd
+Piscataway+NJ (Free parking in Parking Lot 51 across from Busch Campus
Please register online at http://tristatecacs.org/Conferences/RegisterForm/form.php if you plan to attend. Registration is free.
Free breakfast and lunch will be provided to all attendees.
For more details, please visit our website at http://tristatecacs.org/
A Job Fair and Career Consultation will also be held at the symposium. Mr.
Bill Suits and Mr. Donald Truss, both ACS career consultants, will provide
free consultation on how to secure a job interview and how to advance your
career. Several companies (Dow, J&J, Shimadzu, HD Biosciences, and many
others) will post job openings at the symposium. Some of the companies will
have personnel on site collecting resumes and conducting interviews.
Please bring your business cards for networking and prize drawing!
发帖数: 1188
去年注册了, 没有收到更新啊...非常的quiet...
1 (共1页)
第16届华美化学与化工学会Suggesions on GCMS and open position for a GCMS analyst
CACS Young Chemist/Scientist Award 2013Quadrupole TOF MS有啥特别的吗?
做single molecule的毕业能干啥?Open position at Boston area for Bioanalytical Scientist
Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center请人做HPLC的校正维护
Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now要买HPLC,请问哪个公司的好?Waters or PerkinElmer or Varian. Another one else.Thanks
For those interested in career opportunities有谁知道,HPLC, waters and shimadzu哪个好点
Job Oppotunities in China实验室要换HPLC, 有啥推荐的,多谢!
话题: symposium话题: saturday话题: state话题: cacs话题: tri