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Chemistry版 - Scripps to be sold to USC?
Chinese vs Muslim vs Jew vs Christan1 baozi, if you get this paper for me. Thanks!
求教azide safetyJinquan Yu搞了片science
sodium azideFloyd E. Romesberg in Scripps很可能需要博后
请教一下如何操作和处理Sodium azide(叠氮化钠)offer会不会发错啊
If You're Not A Chemist - What Next?有认识COREY的吗? 介绍我去薄厚
今天见了Derek Lowe,in the pipeline的作者世上最无耻的事情
paper help (JOC, 1990)请教几个关于scripps的问题
话题: scripps话题: usc话题: over话题: last话题: unclear
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发帖数: 16403
In the Pipeline
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June 17, 2014
Scripps Merging With USC?
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Posted by Derek
This news broke last night: that USC might be acquiring Scripps. It all
looks to come down to tight federal money: that's where most of the funding
comes from, and institutions that rely on grants (and overhead from grants)
to survive are having to cut back. (There were, for example, a number of
layoffs earlier this year at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, for just that
As you can see from that story, I was called last night for comment about
this, and I have to say, I was very surprised (although maybe not as
surprised as the reporter was when I started quoting Tennyson). The loss of
several big names over the last few years has made it clear that there were
some difficulties inside Scripps, which made quite a contrast to the era
when they burst on the organic chemistry scene by making huge offers to a
number of star professors. But I couldn't think of another example where one
department more or less takes over another one, and I especially couldn't
think of anything happening at this level.
It doesn't look like a done deal yet, and even if it does go forward, how
things will work is unclear. (It's also unclear what this means for the
Scripps branch in Florida). More on this as it develops.
Comments (17) + TrackBacks (0) | Category: General Scientific News
发帖数: 2041
My God...I did notice my retirement account has a huge under funded deficit
this year. Maybe is time to roll to my current IRA.
发帖数: 16403


【在 A******y 的大作中提到】
: My God...I did notice my retirement account has a huge under funded deficit
: this year. Maybe is time to roll to my current IRA.

1 (共1页)
How is Chad Lewis?If You're Not A Chemist - What Next?
学化学的怎么办?今天见了Derek Lowe,in the pipeline的作者
那里可以买到氰化钾?paper help (JOC, 1990)
Chinese vs Muslim vs Jew vs Christan1 baozi, if you get this paper for me. Thanks!
求教azide safetyJinquan Yu搞了片science
sodium azideFloyd E. Romesberg in Scripps很可能需要博后
请教一下如何操作和处理Sodium azide(叠氮化钠)offer会不会发错啊
话题: scripps话题: usc话题: over话题: last话题: unclear