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Chemistry版 - Job Opening --- Synthetic Chemist in a biotech company
two papers help, thanksPosition: Synthetic Organic Chemist
Synthetic chemistry postdoc opportunity in Gladstone/UCSF有机化学合成工作机会 Organic synthetic chemist - contract, postdoc or paid intern‏
湾区工作机会organic synthetic chemists (post for friend) (转载)
Job Opening in a New Biotech Company in Beijing寻人-CSU Kai Li-Synthetic Chemist
An organic/analytical/polymer chemist associate positionNJ有机合成研究员(Senior Scientist – Synthetic Chemist)
Conjugated PolymerJob opportunity for synthetic chemist in Shanghai
Synthetic Organic Chemist PositionOpening for synthetic chemist at SF, CA
A job opening from my junk mailpaper help Heterocycle
话题: chemist话题: synthetic话题: job话题: opening话题: monster
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 956
The company I work for is looking for a synthetic chemist, the add is on
Monster today, you can search the posting under "lasergen". I am attching
the ad here.
We do look for experience and expertise in heterocycle/nucleoside/nucleotide
chemcistry, and anyone with experience in surface chemistry/microarray/
conjugation chemistry will also be considered. We have found that resume
coming through Monster website has poor format and is hard to read, I would
recommend sending resume in word/pdf to th
发帖数: 1188
1 (共1页)
paper help HeterocycleAn organic/analytical/polymer chemist associate position
求Thieme下的synfacts期刊文献,多谢!Conjugated Polymer
关于我的背景,求大家指导:找工作完全没有方向 (转载)Synthetic Organic Chemist Position
paper is needed from Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids; English; 27; 5; 2008; 460 - 468;A job opening from my junk mail
two papers help, thanksPosition: Synthetic Organic Chemist
Synthetic chemistry postdoc opportunity in Gladstone/UCSF有机化学合成工作机会 Organic synthetic chemist - contract, postdoc or paid intern‏
湾区工作机会organic synthetic chemists (post for friend) (转载)
Job Opening in a New Biotech Company in Beijing寻人-CSU Kai Li-Synthetic Chemist
话题: chemist话题: synthetic话题: job话题: opening话题: monster