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ChemEng版 - PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Can
Umass和UC riverside化工哪个好?PhD openings in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commerc (转载)
Job opennings R&D (转载)Two faculty openings in Biofuels and Biorefinery
faculty interviewing in you universityanyone looking for a faculty position in Chem Eng?
Openings at the Penn State BioNEMS GroupJob openings: Novartis Vaccine and Diagnostic (转载)
大家感觉今年化工就业形势怎么样啊job opening (转载)
版上有做cfd方向的么AMAT display job opening of process engineer
Bio-Engineering Position Openings in China有在燃料电池公司工作的么?
老公被雷了,恳请各位知道openning的给个消息吧Job Opportunity in Praxair (Buffalo, NY)
话题: phd话题: alberta话题: university话题: control话题: process
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 662
【 以下文字转载自 Overseas 讨论区 】
发信人: ouys72 (bear), 信区: Overseas
标 题: PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Canada
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 17 13:15:17 2009, 美东)
PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Stevan Dubljevic at the Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of
University of Alberta is looking for two self-motivated, easy-going PhD
students who are strongly committed to research for Fall'09 (preferred) and
Spring'10. Please look at the attached
发帖数: 111
very interesting topic


【在 k***i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Overseas 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ouys72 (bear), 信区: Overseas
: 标 题: PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Canada
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 17 13:15:17 2009, 美东)
: PhD openings in Process Control, University of Alberta, Canada
: Dr. Stevan Dubljevic at the Chemical & Materials Engineering Department of
: University of Alberta is looking for two self-motivated, easy-going PhD
: students who are strongly committed to research for Fall'09 (preferred) and
: Spring'10. Please look at the attached

1 (共1页)
Job Opportunity in Praxair (Buffalo, NY)大家感觉今年化工就业形势怎么样啊
an opening - (advanced) Process Scientist版上有做cfd方向的么
路易斯安那大学化工博士openningBio-Engineering Position Openings in China
工作机会 - 北卡老公被雷了,恳请各位知道openning的给个消息吧
Umass和UC riverside化工哪个好?PhD openings in Materials Science, Engineering, and Commerc (转载)
Job opennings R&D (转载)Two faculty openings in Biofuels and Biorefinery
faculty interviewing in you universityanyone looking for a faculty position in Chem Eng?
Openings at the Penn State BioNEMS GroupJob openings: Novartis Vaccine and Diagnostic (转载)
话题: phd话题: alberta话题: university话题: control话题: process