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CS版 - [转载] Help:a question on buying the pin number
[转载] Help for the min value. Thanks[转载] 求助: cosine 求和
[转载] Job Ad for 海龟[转载] Google Labs Aptitude Test
[转载] 问个弱问题:什么是逻辑?和代数怎么区别的?[转载] 搞research应该和体育一样,男女分开
[转载] 哪位真正的高手来说说BT到底伤不伤硬盘啊?[转载] 一个类似coupon collector的概率问题
[转载] 关于复旦主办的ER 2004[转载] 词法分析中的\
ER 2004[转载] 问个review paper的问题
[转载] difference:HTTP 200 OK and 201 Created[转载] CS PHD 找INDUSTRY工作什么重要?
[转载] 感觉Microsoft Research一踏进哪个领域[转载] SXGA的显示屏好哪里了?谁给科普一下吧
话题: pin话题: number话题: buying话题: question话题: failed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20
【 以下文字转载自 Reunion 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: sylph (蓝精灵), 信区: Reunion
标 题: Help:a question on buying the pin number
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue May 17 01:52:27 2005) WWW-POST
I have been trying to buy the visa pin number all night, but failed due to
some stupid problems in that website. Everytime I enter my credit card number
and submit the payment, an error message appeared. I don't know whether this
is due to the stupidity of that website (well, I might have paid 100$ over the
night, and failed to ge
发帖数: 9932
seems like a server error.
you might just want to wait until tomorrow to try it again.
you might want to check with your credit card company to check for unwanted charges

【在 s***h 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Reunion 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: sylph (蓝精灵), 信区: Reunion
: 标 题: Help:a question on buying the pin number
: 发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue May 17 01:52:27 2005) WWW-POST
: I have been trying to buy the visa pin number all night, but failed due to
: some stupid problems in that website. Everytime I enter my credit card number
: and submit the payment, an error message appeared. I don't know whether this
: is due to the stupidity of that website (well, I might have paid 100$ over the
: night, and failed to ge

1 (共1页)
[转载] SXGA的显示屏好哪里了?谁给科普一下吧[转载] 关于复旦主办的ER 2004
[转载] CS faculty on-campus interviewER 2004
[转载] 在东京办美国签证[转载] difference:HTTP 200 OK and 201 Created
[转载] 请教关于submit paper.[转载] 感觉Microsoft Research一踏进哪个领域
[转载] Help for the min value. Thanks[转载] 求助: cosine 求和
[转载] Job Ad for 海龟[转载] Google Labs Aptitude Test
[转载] 问个弱问题:什么是逻辑?和代数怎么区别的?[转载] 搞research应该和体育一样,男女分开
[转载] 哪位真正的高手来说说BT到底伤不伤硬盘啊?[转载] 一个类似coupon collector的概率问题
话题: pin话题: number话题: buying话题: question话题: failed