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CS版 - 请大家帮忙看看这三个学校
TOP25计算机系大陆教授(is this old?)[帮忙] 寻找Carnegie Mellon 和 UC Berkeley 大学的同学
cs phd rank new than 2002CS PhD Program Ranking 2002 (US News)
[合集] 全美TOP计算机系大陆教授统计(Very Old) heheNew Fellow of AAAS in CompSci Area
Wanted: a few good studentsA Full List of AAAS Fellow in CompSci ar
申请学校求定位Ph.D. positions in Computer Science (with a focus on wireless sensor networks)
找CMU software institute的faculty探讨合作机会被录取Carnegie Mellon Heinz College远程教学MSIT,有没有性价比更好的远程 MIS PROGRAM?
IBM Announces Eight Universities Contributing to the Watson量子计算机技术中国第一
本科 Carnegie Mellon v.s. UC BerkeleyPresidential Early Career Award for Scientists an
话题: school话题: computer话题: science话题: rawlings
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2045
想征求一下各位的建议: 朋友家小孩今年高中毕业,要学computer science. 被6所大
学录取, 在其中三所中犹豫不决: 1. Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science,
2. Cornell Engineering School (Rawlings Presidential Research Scholar) ,
3. Berkeley Engineering School computer science 。你们觉得应选哪一个前途最好
1 (共1页)
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists an申请学校求定位
唐骏助手:CMU美国人都知道找CMU software institute的faculty探讨合作机会
揭批一下伊利诺斯大学芝加哥分校电器与计算机工程系的黑暗 2IBM Announces Eight Universities Contributing to the Watson
为什么磕打的老中都把Caltech叫做CIT?本科 Carnegie Mellon v.s. UC Berkeley
TOP25计算机系大陆教授(is this old?)[帮忙] 寻找Carnegie Mellon 和 UC Berkeley 大学的同学
cs phd rank new than 2002CS PhD Program Ranking 2002 (US News)
[合集] 全美TOP计算机系大陆教授统计(Very Old) heheNew Fellow of AAAS in CompSci Area
Wanted: a few good studentsA Full List of AAAS Fellow in CompSci ar
话题: school话题: computer话题: science话题: rawlings