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CS版 - CS@VT seeks Postdoc in program-analysis based security (转载)
Openings for PhD student at VT CS (Spring '15) (转载)国内一朋友求代写SCI文章,CS类的,有偿 (转载)
包子求论文Toward Ontology Representation and Reasoning for News三操作系統共用單核計算机
下一个数据库航母召集各路英雄豪杰!!!!!!!!!!!!PHP Web Developer Co-op Opportunity
Ph.d. RA position @ VCU圣地亚哥州立大学全奖Ph.D.招生(2015 秋季入学)
ECE Ph.d. RA position @ VCU创业者的福利-----来自国内最大的孵化平台的孵化资源
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话题: parseint话题: analysis话题: program话题: security话题: java
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
【 以下文字转载自 Computation 讨论区 】
发信人: VTstudent (VT), 信区: Computation
标 题: CS@VT seeks Postdoc in program-analysis based security
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 31 16:23:28 2014, 美东)
Seek postdoctoral researcher who is interested in the use of program
analysis to ensure software security and quality. Current focus is on the
use of static and dynamic program analyses for object-oriented systems and
Android software. Algorithm design and empirical validation are key
characteristics of our work. Recent projects have explored Android malware
analysis (Java) and blended analysis of JavaScript codes. Emphasis on study
of approaches effective and practical for real applications in security and
program understanding in Java and Javascript.
Funding for 1 year is available with possible extension. Background in
program analysis and computer security is desirable. Person must be self-
motivated and willing to take the initiative in research. Primary
responsibility to strengthen research group and help with research
supervision of grad students and undergrad students under REU support.
Experience with compiler-based frameworks such as SOOT or WALA, use of
Eclipse and CVS-like repositories, exploration of open source codes to use
for benchmarking would be desirable.
Starting date: Fall 2014
Duration: 1 year with possible extension
If interested, please contact Dr. Barbara G. Ryder ([email protected]
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) and Dr.
Danfeng (Daphne) Yao ([email protected]
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1 (共1页)
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Summer Internship opportunities with Synopsys[iOS]招iOS developer,contract或者full time皆可,年薪10w+
Openings for PhD student at VT CS (Spring '15) (转载)国内一朋友求代写SCI文章,CS类的,有偿 (转载)
包子求论文Toward Ontology Representation and Reasoning for News三操作系統共用單核計算机
下一个数据库航母召集各路英雄豪杰!!!!!!!!!!!!PHP Web Developer Co-op Opportunity
Ph.d. RA position @ VCU圣地亚哥州立大学全奖Ph.D.招生(2015 秋季入学)
话题: parseint话题: analysis话题: program话题: security话题: java