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CS版 - 审稿机会:计算机领域 (转载)
包子求助,EE转CS,求建议Parallel computing in Matlab (转载)
CS Master 选哪个方向好一点?问一下MPI的问题
计算智能 computational intelligence 算是cs的一种研究方向马?cs的方向请教
包子求助,转Artificial Intelligence请问计算机系什么专业硕士毕业以后比较好找工作?
call for reviewer for 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2015)MS in CS at Columbia 方向选择?
CS Master 期间应该选哪些课?computational geometry和algorithms这个方向博士就业怎么样?
[合集] computable vs. non-computableCS课程选择
关于编程序与CS(计算机科学)Is this conf ok?
话题: computing话题: analysis话题: learning话题: systems
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 872
【 以下文字转载自 I140 讨论区 】
发信人: endaimien (endaimien), 信区: I140
标 题: 审稿机会:计算机领域
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 14:02:05 2014, 美东)
我是会议的TPC member, 有很多审稿机会,有需要的请吧您的姓名,邮箱,工作单位发
Therefore, the theme for this conference is Advanced Intelligent Computing
Methodologies and Applications. Papers related to this theme are especially
solicited, including theories, methodologies, and applications in science
and technology.
Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research
into intelligent computing will be included, but not limited to:
A1 Evolutionary Computation and Learning
A2 Genetic Algorithms
A3 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms
A4 Cultural Algorithms
A5 Differential Evolution
A6 Memetic Algorithms
A7 Granular Computing
A8 Rough Sets
A9 Fuzzy Theory and Algorithms
A10 Soft Computing
A11 Particle Swarm Optimization and Niche Technology
A12 Swarm Intelligence and Optimization
A13 Supervised Learning
A14 Semi-supervised Learning
A15 Unsupervised Learning
A16 Reinforcement Learning
A17 Kernel Methods and Supporting Vector Machines
A18 Independent Component Analysis
A19 Blind Source Separation
A20 Machine Learning
A21 Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding
A22 Social Computing
A23 Natural Computing
A24 Quantum Computing
A25 Immune System Theory
A26 Collective Intelligence
A27 Social Intelligence
B1 Neural Networks
B2 Nature Inspired Computing and Optimization
B3 Cognitive Science
B4 Computational Neuroscience
B5 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
B6 Artificial Life
B7 Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
B8 Signal Processing
B9 Pattern Recognition
B10 Biometrics Recognition
B11 Image Processing
B12 Intelligent Computing in Robotics
B13 Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision
B14 Intelligent Computing in Finance/Banking
B15 Intelligent Computing in Communication Networks
B16 Intelligent Control and Automation
B17 Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals
B18 Intelligent Data Fusion
B19 Information Security
B20 Intelligent Data Analysis & Prediction
B21 Intelligent Agent and Web Applications
B22 Intelligent Sensor Networks
B23 Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
B24 Knowledge Representation/Reasoning
B25 Expert Systems
B26 Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction
B27 Business Intelligence and Multimedia Technology
C1 Gene Expression Array Analysis
C2 Next-Gen Sequencing and Metagenomics
C3 Structure Prediction and Folding
C4 Biology Inspired Computing and Optimization
C5 Molecular Sequence Alignment and Analysis
C6 Metabolic Pathway Analysis
C7 RNA and Protein Folding and Structure Prediction
C8 Analysis and Visualization of Large Biological Data Sets
C9 Motif Detection and Biomarker Discovery
C10 Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics
C11 Systems and Synthetic Biology
C12 Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Biological Systems
C13 Emergent Properties in Complex Biological Systems
C14 Ecoinformatics and Applications to Ecological Data Analysis
C15 Biomedical Data Modeling and Mining
C16 Intelligent Computing in Biomedical Signal/Image Analysis
C17 Intelligent Computing in Brain Imaging
C18 Neuroinformatics
C19 Cheminformatics
C20 Intelligent Computing in Computational Biology
C21 Intelligent Computing in Drug Design
C22 Computational Genomics
C23 Computational Proteomics
C24 Healthcare Informatics Theory and Methods
C25 Biomedical Informatics Theory and Methods
C26 Healthcare Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
C27 Clinical Decision Support and Informatics
1 (共1页)
Is this conf ok?call for reviewer for 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2015)
请教关于IROSCS Master 期间应该选哪些课?
请问做web intelligence 比较强的group有哪些呀?[合集] computable vs. non-computable
推荐一本书:On Intelligence关于编程序与CS(计算机科学)
包子求助,EE转CS,求建议Parallel computing in Matlab (转载)
CS Master 选哪个方向好一点?问一下MPI的问题
计算智能 computational intelligence 算是cs的一种研究方向马?cs的方向请教
包子求助,转Artificial Intelligence请问计算机系什么专业硕士毕业以后比较好找工作?
话题: computing话题: analysis话题: learning话题: systems