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Business版 - another question of CFA L1
CFA L1 questions from mock examRe: FINANCE的兄弟们看过来 /A simple and NOT simple question
求助!职业规划Re: FINANCE的兄弟们看过来 /Not meaningful to value it
Top MBA career choicesRe: 哪位大虾给个数:考一个CFA下来到底要多少钱??
再请教一道微观经济题:这是哪个LOS?Re: how to enter the finance career track with engine
面试问题求教:选择哪个基金?Continue Education needed for CMA/CFM
CFA requirementsRe: 替朋友一问,有关CFA。
Re: My reason to get CFA.Re: 现在开始准备考12月CFA-1来的及么
Re: 请问大虾CFA每个level需要多长时间准备?Re: CFA LEVEL 1的STUDY GUIDE对LEVEL 2有用吗?
话题: risk话题: expected话题: unit话题: return话题: per
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67
As an investor assumes more risk and moves upward on the efficient frontier,
the slope of the efficient frontier curve most likely:
a. increase and expected return per unit of risk increase
b. increase and expected return per unit of risk decrease
c. decrease and expected return per unit of risk increase
d. decrease and expected return per unit of risk decrease
Are the slope and "expected return per unit of risk" the same thing? I
thought the answer is d.
But the answer from answer sheet is c. S
发帖数: 2325
"expected return per unit of risk" here could not be the same thing as the
slope of efficient frontier, otherwise this could be a dummy questionaire
i guess "expected return per unit of risk" refers to the risk aversion of
the investor
if you want to assume more risk, you expect higher marginal return...
so called "indifference curve"....
however, if i try to finish this question within 2 min, i probably choose
the same ...


【在 w******g 的大作中提到】
: As an investor assumes more risk and moves upward on the efficient frontier,
: the slope of the efficient frontier curve most likely:
: a. increase and expected return per unit of risk increase
: b. increase and expected return per unit of risk decrease
: c. decrease and expected return per unit of risk increase
: d. decrease and expected return per unit of risk decrease
: Are the slope and "expected return per unit of risk" the same thing? I
: thought the answer is d.
: But the answer from answer sheet is c. S

发帖数: 24
D是对的。BTW, 标准答案里有好几个都是错的。
1 (共1页)
Re: CFA LEVEL 1的STUDY GUIDE对LEVEL 2有用吗?面试问题求教:选择哪个基金?
请问CFA可以直接考第二级吗CFA requirements
how hard is cfaII???Re: My reason to get CFA.
CFA level IIRe: 请问大虾CFA每个level需要多长时间准备?
CFA L1 questions from mock examRe: FINANCE的兄弟们看过来 /A simple and NOT simple question
求助!职业规划Re: FINANCE的兄弟们看过来 /Not meaningful to value it
Top MBA career choicesRe: 哪位大虾给个数:考一个CFA下来到底要多少钱??
再请教一道微观经济题:这是哪个LOS?Re: how to enter the finance career track with engine
话题: risk话题: expected话题: unit话题: return话题: per