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Business版 - Help: An accounting question again
expensed 和 capitalized 的区别是什么?~~~~~mckinsey面试~~~~
Re: 问一个credit,debit 的问题。有没有谁听说过COG Capital Investment (Shenzhen) Co., LTD
为什么会计这么有钱?请教depreciation是否Tax deduction
请问CFA的FSA部分discount bond问题after-tax operating cash flow (转载)
CFA Level I --- ROA/ROE 困 惑Re: 请教一道关于value chain 的问题。
H1签证,PART TIME mba,学费抵税tax question
求科普求教一道题 GMAT
Re: 有些人略知皮毛就拽Re: Help: An accounting question again想问问大家考CFA的前景
话题: sold话题: cogs话题: cost话题: expenses话题: goods
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 59
Operating expenses include buying, warehousing, and occupancy costs as opposed
to cost of goods sold.
The above is one accounting method used by Wal-Mart.
Cost Of Goods Sold : Costs of inventory that are expensed because the units
have been sold. Also known as COGS, cost of revenue, and cost of sales.
What does "that are expensed because the units have been sold" mean? Expenses
like salaries? Shop rents? etc.? Or the expenses incured because the sale
prices are higher than the costs of the Goods
发帖数: 6
COGS is just the cost of inventories that are sold in a certain period. It
includes the prices of the inventories when you procure them, and sometimes
includes the relevant shipping&handling costs which are closely connected to
the procurement of inventories.(Not for your Wal-mart case though since you
said buying cost is accounted as operating expenses, instead of COGS) So, it
means exactly what its name tells you.
Example: Wal-mart bought 100 units of toys to sell this month,$1 each, so

【在 m****r 的大作中提到】
: Operating expenses include buying, warehousing, and occupancy costs as opposed
: to cost of goods sold.
: The above is one accounting method used by Wal-Mart.
: Cost Of Goods Sold : Costs of inventory that are expensed because the units
: have been sold. Also known as COGS, cost of revenue, and cost of sales.
: What does "that are expensed because the units have been sold" mean? Expenses
: like salaries? Shop rents? etc.? Or the expenses incured because the sale
: prices are higher than the costs of the Goods

发帖数: 1275
to use iamfainting's condom example.. lol.. you bot 100 condoms at 1.3 each,
then sold 50 at 1.5 each.
your revenue is 75, COGS is 50x1.3=65 (walmart uses LIFO i believe but it's
irrelevant here)
you still have 50 at hand.. which becomes your inventory, which is an asset,
valued at 50x1.3=65

【在 m****r 的大作中提到】
: Operating expenses include buying, warehousing, and occupancy costs as opposed
: to cost of goods sold.
: The above is one accounting method used by Wal-Mart.
: Cost Of Goods Sold : Costs of inventory that are expensed because the units
: have been sold. Also known as COGS, cost of revenue, and cost of sales.
: What does "that are expensed because the units have been sold" mean? Expenses
: like salaries? Shop rents? etc.? Or the expenses incured because the sale
: prices are higher than the costs of the Goods

发帖数: 655

块钱的交通费和5块钱的人工费,COGS就只有80,这其他的15块就是OE,Gross Margin就
是100-80=20,再减去15的OE,剩下5块的net income。

【在 m****r 的大作中提到】
: Operating expenses include buying, warehousing, and occupancy costs as opposed
: to cost of goods sold.
: The above is one accounting method used by Wal-Mart.
: Cost Of Goods Sold : Costs of inventory that are expensed because the units
: have been sold. Also known as COGS, cost of revenue, and cost of sales.
: What does "that are expensed because the units have been sold" mean? Expenses
: like salaries? Shop rents? etc.? Or the expenses incured because the sale
: prices are higher than the costs of the Goods

1 (共1页)
想问问大家考CFA的前景CFA Level I --- ROA/ROE 困 惑
请教神医:SCHEDULE C里进货成本在哪报?H1签证,PART TIME mba,学费抵税
卖出货物时如何记freight expense求科普
求助 cost accounting 的問題Re: 有些人略知皮毛就拽Re: Help: An accounting question again
expensed 和 capitalized 的区别是什么?~~~~~mckinsey面试~~~~
Re: 问一个credit,debit 的问题。有没有谁听说过COG Capital Investment (Shenzhen) Co., LTD
为什么会计这么有钱?请教depreciation是否Tax deduction
请问CFA的FSA部分discount bond问题after-tax operating cash flow (转载)
话题: sold话题: cogs话题: cost话题: expenses话题: goods