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Business版 - Finance Jobs Salary Survey Results (转载)
Ph.D. Offer: >50 Finance V.S. <10 risk managementRe: 有没有MIS的PHD在这里?
请教就业率的问题。Graduate Certificate Program 转PHD 可行吗?
CFA exam results请问一下,是不是accounting MS不适合男性啊?
survey softwareMBA 就业形势
有没有前辈有marketing research company的经验?Offer 选择问题
Survey Methodology in Business美国工作-〉回国工作-〉美国MBA
Re: 请教:MBA or Accounting?这两个offer那个比较好啊? 谢谢了!Salary question for a leading financial planning and analyst in DC
Re: Help! Where to get the Accounting graduate program ranking?有必要拿MBA吗?
话题: survey话题: results话题: salary话题: finance话题: jobs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 233
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: hnjjz (gelato), 信区: Quant
标 题: Finance Jobs Salary Survey Results
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 29 23:01:57 2007)
Re-posting the results of the salary survey that I did here on the quant
board a few months back (the old post seem to have been lost).
1. Education Information (You can use ambiguous answers if you prefer, e.g.
top 10 school)
Degree and Field of Study - EE PhD
School - Top 3
Graduation Date
1 (共1页)
有必要拿MBA吗?有没有前辈有marketing research company的经验?
有经验的来帮我看看finance目前的前景Survey Methodology in Business
M/B/B GCG Base Salary?Re: 请教:MBA or Accounting?这两个offer那个比较好啊? 谢谢了!
master of financeRe: Help! Where to get the Accounting graduate program ranking?
Ph.D. Offer: >50 Finance V.S. <10 risk managementRe: 有没有MIS的PHD在这里?
请教就业率的问题。Graduate Certificate Program 转PHD 可行吗?
CFA exam results请问一下,是不是accounting MS不适合男性啊?
survey softwareMBA 就业形势
话题: survey话题: results话题: salary话题: finance话题: jobs