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BuildingWeb版 - how to avoid security holes for perl CGI code using checkbo (转载)
perl cgi.pm checkbox reset question (转载)一个perl初级问题
CGI question: prefilled value in webpage (转载)**********Help Needed! 怎样在最短的时间内学会CGI??急!!!************
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Help me with a stupid question.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\A question about CGI//////////////
话题: cgi话题: perl话题: checkbox话题: checkbo话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7227
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
发信人: wds (净洗前尘,从头再来), 信区: Linux
标 题: how to avoid security holes for perl CGI code using checkbox ?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 18 19:01:05 2013, 美东)
Don't know how to describe this clearly,
i have a simple perl CGI code, running with lighttpd.
it has checkbox, if it's set, when you click "submit".
it will trigger my code in the background,
`set_my_value.exe 1`.
if no check that checkbox,
`set_my_value.exe 0`.
Now when i run Rapid7 nexpose, which is a security check application,
it can call my "set_my_value" directly.
So even i didn't check/uncheck the checkbox.
It's setting the values.
Seems lighttpd doesn't support perl taint mode (someone correct me if not
the case), i don't know what to do now.
Any help appreciated.
Thanks !
1 (共1页)
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\A question about CGI//////////////perl cgi param( ) question
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求助: 关于Perl and JavascriptHelp me with a stupid question.
perl cgi.pm checkbox reset question (转载)一个perl初级问题
CGI question: prefilled value in webpage (转载)**********Help Needed! 怎样在最短的时间内学会CGI??急!!!************
reset button and checkbox question in the webpage怎么样在个人主页上运行CGI?
[转载] Per/CGI 表单:两类元素如何绑定?what is cgi?
话题: cgi话题: perl话题: checkbox话题: checkbo话题: my