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BuildingWeb版 - how to extract the search results of this page
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话题: page话题: links话题: search话题: abc话题: extract
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 177
search any keyword will give you a list of links, but
when I open the source of this page. The div element
with id="div1" always display empty. those links should
be generated by Google AJAX API. How can I grab these
links.. //thanks
发帖数: 404
if you only need one page, save the page as html file,
you will get those links in that file.
if you need batch process, you have to pick up a script
language to parse it.

【在 l*******9 的大作中提到】
: http://www.seoprotoolz.com/tools/collector/quick.php
: search any keyword will give you a list of links, but
: when I open the source of this page. The div element
: with id="div1" always display empty. those links should
: be generated by Google AJAX API. How can I grab these
: links.. //thanks

发帖数: 177
I did save the result page, it doesnot show any URLs in the
URL list shown in my web browser.. I tried Perl WWW::Mechanize
and the result I got is the same as I saw in notepad.. No URLs
are saved? Anything wrong? Any other things involved besides AJAX??

【在 o*o 的大作中提到】
: if you only need one page, save the page as html file,
: you will get those links in that file.
: if you need batch process, you have to pick up a script
: language to parse it.

发帖数: 404
If you check the link in your browser in detail, you will find all links
refer to the page itself. When you click a link, it's actually a Js call
but with different POST paras.

【在 l*******9 的大作中提到】
: I did save the result page, it doesnot show any URLs in the
: URL list shown in my web browser.. I tried Perl WWW::Mechanize
: and the result I got is the same as I saw in notepad.. No URLs
: are saved? Anything wrong? Any other things involved besides AJAX??
: //thanks

发帖数: 177
Do you know how can I do this in Perl script, I cannot use a real
browser. I did submit the form with "POST" method, say
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $ret = $ua->post(
[ myQuery => "abc" ]
die $ret->status_line if not $ret->is_success;
print Dumper $ret;
the result content doesnot contain any URL.. any hints?
I need to grab these URLs an

【在 o*o 的大作中提到】
: If you check the link in your browser in detail, you will find all links
: refer to the page itself. When you click a link, it's actually a Js call
: but with different POST paras.

发帖数: 177
In fact, If I search "abc", what I really need is just the
list of text as follows:
abc news
abc kids
abc family
abc tv
abc distributing
abc radio
abc lost
abc warehouse
abc bingo
not the links, but how can I get this list with a Perl script..:)

【在 l*******9 的大作中提到】
: Do you know how can I do this in Perl script, I cannot use a real
: browser. I did submit the form with "POST" method, say
: #!/usr/bin/perl
: use strict;
: use warnings;
: use Data::Dumper;
: use LWP::UserAgent;
: my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
: my $ret = $ua->post(
: "http://www.seoprotoolz.com/tools/collector/quick.php",

发帖数: 404
use regular expression.

【在 l*******9 的大作中提到】
: In fact, If I search "abc", what I really need is just the
: list of text as follows:
: abc news
: abc kids
: abc family
: abc tv
: abc distributing
: abc radio
: abc lost
: abc warehouse

发帖数: 177
The problem is I dont have the source which contains the
text I need..:( or none of the above listed entries can be
found in the saved page or $ret->content of my code.

【在 o*o 的大作中提到】
: use regular expression.
发帖数: 177
the search string will be provided from the command line, so
I can not copy/past the list from a browser. I need a web
automation code.

【在 l*******9 的大作中提到】
: The problem is I dont have the source which contains the
: text I need..:( or none of the above listed entries can be
: found in the saved page or $ret->content of my code.

发帖数: 404
your query string is not correct.

【在 l*******9 的大作中提到】
: Do you know how can I do this in Perl script, I cannot use a real
: browser. I did submit the form with "POST" method, say
: #!/usr/bin/perl
: use strict;
: use warnings;
: use Data::Dumper;
: use LWP::UserAgent;
: my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
: my $ret = $ua->post(
: "http://www.seoprotoolz.com/tools/collector/quick.php",

发帖数: 177
why do i need query string? I am using post, not get. :)

【在 o*o 的大作中提到】
: your query string is not correct.
发帖数: 404
I meant query array
try replace this line
[xajax => 'getKeywords', xajaxargs[] => 'myQuery=abc xjxquery>']
发帖数: 177
nice, this did the tricks :) thanks a lot.

【在 o*o 的大作中提到】
: I meant query array
: try replace this line
: with
: [xajax => 'getKeywords', xajaxargs[] => 'myQuery=abc: xjxquery>']

1 (共1页)
how to do this?[转载] Ajax
HTML 问题一个。protopage with AJAX
请教:JavaScript怎么复制一个node(含子节点)? (转载)Ajax-based IM: meebo
请大家帮忙看一下:关于AJAX 中加入“Pleas wait... ” messagegoogle地图问题
click?google mail问题
other urls Re: 怎么设置可以看到CODE?online calendar 问题
谁能帮我一个大忙,先万分感谢!A collection of AJAX-based apps here
话题: page话题: links话题: search话题: abc话题: extract