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BuildingWeb版 - [转载] Perl for programmers(8): string operation(pattern matching)
[转载] Perl for programmers(10): A template for CGI file请教Firefox里面如何确定屏幕宽度
[转载] Perl for programmers(9): subroutinesHow PHP guys maintain the overall layout of a website
[转载] Perl for programmers(7): string operation[转载] Perl for programmers(1): Variables in Perl
[转载] Perl for programmers(5): flow controlperl cgis: how to send back frame webpage?
[转载] Perl for programmers(4): Logical operationHelp me with a stupid question.
[转载] Perl for programmers(11): package design in perl一个perl初级问题
[转载] JSP是不是比ASP强大?怎样向用户返回suyvey form的统计结果?
a basic css questionjava <-> cgi/perl 急问
话题: matches话题: perl话题: pattern话题: string
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: stock (Microsoft is dead), 信区: Programming
标 题: Perl for programmers(8): string operation(pattern matching)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 23 12:36:16 2000) WWW-POST
Regular expression inherit from command grep in UNIX.
/*/ #matches all characters
/a+/ #matches more than one a
/a?/ #matches 0 or 1 a
/dfj/ #this is a pattern.If the string contains dfj as
a substring, we say
#it matches the pattern
/\b/ #matches a boundary
1 (共1页)
java <-> cgi/perl 急问[转载] Perl for programmers(4): Logical operation
如何找到disscussion Board的免费软件?[转载] Perl for programmers(11): package design in perl
how to invoke cgi in html?[转载] JSP是不是比ASP强大?
怎么才能统计访问者得ip呢a basic css question
[转载] Perl for programmers(10): A template for CGI file请教Firefox里面如何确定屏幕宽度
[转载] Perl for programmers(9): subroutinesHow PHP guys maintain the overall layout of a website
[转载] Perl for programmers(7): string operation[转载] Perl for programmers(1): Variables in Perl
[转载] Perl for programmers(5): flow controlperl cgis: how to send back frame webpage?
话题: matches话题: perl话题: pattern话题: string