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Boston版 - Harvard博后肝脏移植求助 (转载)
MGH年轻医师吴博士罹患末期肝癌 华人发动捐款Honor Our Heroes (III): Danny from Boston (转载)
博后工资能否在波士顿养活一家人(一个4岁孩子,爱人怀孕)Re: Who knows how to sail/boat at MIT?
****Yifan's visiting Boston children's hospital update*** (转载)Malden好房,步行3分钟到地铁站,上网家具杂费全包$400!
YIfan's event update! (转载)请推荐波士顿旅馆
应该感谢中餐馆[出售]全新Samsung 2333sw 23" LCD monitor
Bless my mom谁知道MGH或BWH提供给员工的保险cover做试管婴儿吗?
Technical Support Engineer (Consumer Electronics) Position with Cable Matters in Southborough, MA半天在波士顿 有啥好玩的
话题: ximing话题: our话题: wu话题: his话题: danny
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 462
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: Junzizhishou (君子之守), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: Harvard博后肝脏移植求助 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 12 23:28:25 2016, 美东)
发信人: Junzizhishou (君子之守), 信区: Faculty
标 题: Harvard博后肝脏移植求助
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 12 23:13:47 2016, 美东)
Ximing Wu 35岁,刚查出肝癌晚期,在麻省总院(MGH)等候肝脏移植,需筹款$100,000,
Dearest friends:
Please help me save my husband Danny Ximing Wu!
Ximing Wu was recently diagnosed with end stage liver cancer and I would
like to ask for your help. Aside from being a wonderful, loving father and
husband, Ximing is a 35-year-old postdoc at the Massachusetts General
Hospital Transplant Science Center. I cannot imagine how much pain my
husband is in each day as his health worsens. I still remember the first
time I met Ximing, when my father was ill in the hospital. His kindness and
tolerance inspired me. We then fell in love and got married. Our daughter
Anine was born two years ago. Ximing was always a dedicated man, often
working late nights and early mornings in surgery. As a wife, I really
understood his situation and supported his work without any complaints. He
then successfully received a postdoc position in Boston which also required
long work hours. During this time, I remained in China to take care of our
daughter. I hoped we would be able to reunite soon and live a normal life
just like other families. But several days ago, I received the horrible news
of my husband’s diagnosis. My world almost collapsed. I came to visit him
in June and found him fatigued and wasting away, unlike ever before. At
first I thought maybe he was just too tired and was lacking rest, but in
reality he was suffering from black stool and severe abdominal pain. A few
days later, on June 22nd, we went to see a doctor and Ximing was diagnosed
with late stage liver cancer. We are now waiting for the results of the
biopsy to determine his future treatment plan. It is unfortunate that we
were unable to find the cancer earlier. Our baby needs a father. I don’t
want to see him lying on his bed, unable to make a video call to our
daughter. I know he never stops working for his dreams, for me and for our
kid. However, the large amount of money necessary for treatment is going to
be a burden for our family. The estimated cost for the liver transplant is
about $100,000. If anyone is able, we are asking for any support you can
offer to help with the costs of the cancer treatment. We thank all our
friends, family, and in some cases those we don’t know for their love,
support, concern, and prayers for Ximing’s recovery.
Thank you all in advance.
Danny Ximing Wu, male, 35 years old, a postdoc in the transplant center of
Danny is in ICU now.I don't know the password, so I cannot link the
facebook here.
Help spread the word!
发帖数: 462

【在 n********r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
: 发信人: Junzizhishou (君子之守), 信区: Chemistry
: 标 题: Harvard博后肝脏移植求助 (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 12 23:28:25 2016, 美东)
: 发信人: Junzizhishou (君子之守), 信区: Faculty
: 标 题: Harvard博后肝脏移植求助
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 12 23:13:47 2016, 美东)
: Ximing Wu 35岁,刚查出肝癌晚期,在麻省总院(MGH)等候肝脏移植,需筹款$100,000,
: 活动已经发起四天,目前主要是波士顿的学者和基督教会在捐款,目前242人捐
: 赠,

发帖数: 364
发帖数: 462

【在 s****y 的大作中提到】
: 应该是同一个病人
1 (共1页)
半天在波士顿 有啥好玩的YIfan's event update! (转载)
45分钟前我们办公楼发生枪击及stab事件,2人重伤Bless my mom
有没有jjmm感恩节去纽约逛的?搭伴~~~~(帮一位jj贴的)详情见内啦Technical Support Engineer (Consumer Electronics) Position with Cable Matters in Southborough, MA
MGH年轻医师吴博士罹患末期肝癌 华人发动捐款Honor Our Heroes (III): Danny from Boston (转载)
博后工资能否在波士顿养活一家人(一个4岁孩子,爱人怀孕)Re: Who knows how to sail/boat at MIT?
****Yifan's visiting Boston children's hospital update*** (转载)Malden好房,步行3分钟到地铁站,上网家具杂费全包$400!
话题: ximing话题: our话题: wu话题: his话题: danny