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Boston版 - [供求]出租Winchester Townhouse
[供求] 出租 Winchester TownhouseWoburn2室2卫高档公寓出租93,95交界处 $1879
[供求] 出租 Winchester Townhouse【供求】woburn便宜好房转租
[供求] 出租 Winchester Townhouse请推荐buyer‘s agent
[供求] 出租 Winchester Townhouse不考虑学区,离地铁或commuter rail近不超过40万的房子
党的生日之际,听到了川雅居新址的计划![供求] Waltham 2br1b公寓 $2000/month包暖气热水
[供求] Woburn地区求室友Sunny 2 bedroom 2 bath duplex in Winchester for rent (Lynch school)
找人woburn一带打网球,水平2.5左右“[供求]Newly Renovated 3 Bed in Framingham for rent -$1650 1100+sqf, heat included)
boston冬天commute问题 (转载)【供求】出租 3-beds single-family house in Winchester
话题: townhouse话题: winchester话题: maker话题: beds话题: 供求
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 86
Type of apartment: Townhouse in Wedge Pond Condominium of Winchester
Beds: 2 bedrooms (on the second floor)
Bath: 1 bathroom
The total size is 980 square feet (exclude basement)
Features: Hardwood floors, fully furnished with a queen bed, 2 kid beds and
a kid study table, a dining table with a set of 6 chairs, 50” TV, sofa, air
-conditioners, kitchen appliances etc (including microwave, coffee maker,
bread maker, pasta maker, waffle maker). Washer and dryer are available at
the basement.
Parking: Free for one car
Available date: August 1, 2015
Duration of rent: 1 year or extension with negotiation
Rent: $2050/month + utilities, first and last month deposit
Other features: High quality of the education system. Easy access to I93 and
I95, Walking distance to Stop-Shop and tennis court (about 5 minutes), and
banks, library, Commuter-rail (about 10 minutes) and bus station (about 2
If interested, please contact @857-526-5090 (call or message)
Thank you.
1 (共1页)
【供求】出租 3-beds single-family house in Winchester党的生日之际,听到了川雅居新址的计划!
有人知道canton这个town怎么样?[供求] Woburn地区求室友
<供>Winchester 4 bedroom townhouse 出租boston冬天commute问题 (转载)
[供求] 出租 Winchester TownhouseWoburn2室2卫高档公寓出租93,95交界处 $1879
[供求] 出租 Winchester Townhouse【供求】woburn便宜好房转租
[供求] 出租 Winchester Townhouse请推荐buyer‘s agent
[供求] 出租 Winchester Townhouse不考虑学区,离地铁或commuter rail近不超过40万的房子
话题: townhouse话题: winchester话题: maker话题: beds话题: 供求