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Boston版 - 商业周刊道明了Kimmel事件的出路 (转载)
抗议Jimmy Kimmel 上了yahoo front pageFly from Boston to Shanghai
系列2.1: 总结一下11.9游行后我们取得的进展 (转载)【买房求问】Waltham附近的几个区
系列2.2:和报社联系发press release范文,请大家踊跃参与 (转载)【转发】请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人不(转载)
虎头蛇尾?ABC/KIMMEL事件转折点 (转载)好消息,ABC总裁给我发信,承诺组织委员会进行调查 (转载)
Re:虎头蛇尾?ABC/KIMMEL事件转折点Some comments on Jimmy Kimmel Case
转发华人的帖子:我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情的看法,以及(转载)Re: 刚刚打了Jimmy Kimmel电话留了言, 大家都应该去教训一下他(转载)
美国人权斗士就Jimmy Kimmel事情应采取相应举措的建议 (转载)纽约, 旧金山的筒子们周一抗议ABC电视台杀光中国人言论,游行 ~!!!
用故事给你的演讲添加生命力纽约地区抗议Jimmy Kimmel Genocide Comments on Kid's Table (转载)
话题: chinese话题: disney话题: kimmel话题: china话题: abc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: judien (Now we are one!), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 商业周刊道明了Kimmel事件的出路 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 12:25:05 2013, 美东)
发信人: hos (爱国· 爱家· 爱吃), 信区: Military
标 题: 商业周刊道明了Kimmel事件的出路
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 12:00:28 2013, 美东)
Disney Needs to Worry About the Jimmy Kimmel Controversy in China
By Bruce Einhorn
November 12, 2013 11:04 AM EST
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With big plans for China, the Walt Disney Co. can’t afford a long fight
over the now-infamous segment on Disney-owned ABC last month in which a
little blond-haired boy told Jimmy Kimmel that the U.S. should fix its
financial problems by killing all the people in China. Gee, don’t kids say
the darndest things? The comedian didn’t help matters by following up the
tot’s comment by asking the other children on the panel, “Should we allow
the Chinese to live?” Chinese-Americans are understandably upset and have
demanded apologies from Kimmel and ABC.
Now the Chinese government is getting in on the umbrage action, with a
spokesman yesterday calling on the network to “respond to the Chinese
community’s demand in a sincere way,” the official Xinhua news agency
reported. According to Xinhua, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang
added that “spreading racism and hatred goes against the media’s social
In a worrisome sign for Disney, the call for an apology came after ABC had
indeed apologized. “Please accept our heartfelt, sincere apology,” the
network said in a Nov. 8 statement. Perhaps the Chinese Foreign Ministry
doubts the sincerity of the apology, with the sort of mistakes-were-made
passive construction your English teacher warned you never to use. “The
simple fact is, the segment should never have been broadcast,” ABC said,
adding: “steps have been made to try and prevent this kind of egregious
mistake from occurring in the future.”
The Chinese media are certainly skeptical. “An apology letter purportedly
written by Kimmel was posted on one of Xinhua’s officialSina Weibo
accounts on Monday,” the Global Times reported. (Emphasis added.) “In the
letter, written in Chinese, Kimmel said that he felt sorry and ‘it was not
his intention to offend anyone.’ “
If anti-ABC protests in the U.S. turn into anti-Disney protests in China,
the bad publicity could spoil the company’s plans to win over Chinese
consumers in time for the opening of its newest theme park, now under
construction in Shanghai. Scheduled to open in 2015, the resort will have
two hotels, as well as Shanghai Disneyland. The park will “blend classic
Disney storytelling and characters with all-new attractions and experiences
tailored specifically for the people of China,” Disney promises on its
As part of the runup to the Shanghai park opening, Disney is also planning
the world’s biggest Disney Store, a 53,000-square-foot complex in Pudong
that will include a 10,800-square-foot store, plus an outdoor plaza. The
company is targeting Chinese families through its Disney English-language
centers, and it is supporting Chinese entrepreneurs through its venture
capital arm, Steamboat Ventures. The VC fund has invested in more than a
dozen Chinese startups and last month joined with four additional funds to
put $50 million into Beijing-based mobile game developer Chukong
Fortunately for Disney, the company has a valuable ally in China. State-
owned Shanghai Shendi Group is Disney’s partner in the $4.4 billion
Shanghai project. That should help Disney control the damage to its image
among Chinese consumers
发帖数: 746
发帖数: 1844

【在 C*****1 的大作中提到】
: JK快被解雇了。。。或暂时一边儿呆着去
发帖数: 9531
发帖数: 1273

【在 b**********s 的大作中提到】
: 据说鸡毛周末要去领奖了
发帖数: 1273

【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
: 发信人: judien (Now we are one!), 信区: CivilSociety
: 标 题: 商业周刊道明了Kimmel事件的出路 (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 12:25:05 2013, 美东)
: 发信人: hos (爱国· 爱家· 爱吃), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 商业周刊道明了Kimmel事件的出路
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 12:00:28 2013, 美东)
: Disney Needs to Worry About the Jimmy Kimmel Controversy in China
: By Bruce Einhorn
: November 12, 2013 11:04 AM EST

1 (共1页)
纽约地区抗议Jimmy Kimmel Genocide Comments on Kid's Table (转载)Re:虎头蛇尾?ABC/KIMMEL事件转折点
这个视频很给力,Jimmy Kimmel, you owe us an apology (转载)转发华人的帖子:我的英语教授就Jimmy Kimmel事情的看法,以及(转载)
Why Kimmel's Apology is Unacceptable (转载)美国人权斗士就Jimmy Kimmel事情应采取相应举措的建议 (转载)
ZT 日本裔国会议员Honda用英文骂了Jimmy Kimmel事件用故事给你的演讲添加生命力
抗议Jimmy Kimmel 上了yahoo front pageFly from Boston to Shanghai
系列2.1: 总结一下11.9游行后我们取得的进展 (转载)【买房求问】Waltham附近的几个区
系列2.2:和报社联系发press release范文,请大家踊跃参与 (转载)【转发】请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人不(转载)
虎头蛇尾?ABC/KIMMEL事件转折点 (转载)好消息,ABC总裁给我发信,承诺组织委员会进行调查 (转载)
话题: chinese话题: disney话题: kimmel话题: china话题: abc